Links to the electronic presentation files have been added to the program.
Final Announcement
Meeting Location and Date
The Planetary Science Deep Space SmallSat Mission Concepts meeting will be held Sunday, March 18, 2018, at The Woodlands Waterway Marriott Hotel and Convention Center, immediately preceding the 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
Purpose and Scope
NASA’s Planetary Science Division is considering including small secondary payloads on future launch opportunities. To help identify high-priority science objectives that could be addressed with small satellites, 19 studies were funded to develop mission concepts. These concepts span the solar system from the Moon to the outer planets, encompass a variety of science objectives from seismic exploration to magnetospheric boundary characterization, and include a spectrum of spacecraft configurations from 6U CubeSats to 180 kg ESPA-class SmallSats. A brief overview of each of these 19 studies will be presented, including the science objectives, mission architecture, spacecraft concept, concept of operations, and new technologies that may be required.