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Meeting Planning Services

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I connect to the meeting?
Registered participants will receive an e-mail prior to the meeting from Houston Meeting Info with a link to join.

I cannot get into the meeting using the RingCentral application. What should I do?
Try using the web browser option to connect.

I am using a Mac and cannot get into the meeting. What should I do?
Try using a different web browser to connect.

I am connected to my company’s VPN and cannot get into the meeting. What should I do?
Disconnect from VPN and then connect to RingCentral from a browser rather than downloading the RingCentral application.

My screen is blank. What should I do?
Close all windows, log off, and log back in using the application or the browser.

I cannot hear the presentation. What should I do?
Ensure you have selected to use computer audio feature. Try the phone call-in option, using one of the numbers provided to you in the login information you received.

How do I ask a question?
Use the chat box or raise hand option to ask a question.

What do I do if I have additional questions about access to the meeting?
Send your additional questions to [email protected].

Note: All electronic submission forms are part of the Meeting Portal, which requires users to set up a personal profile to access our electronic forms (setting up a profile is quick and easy, requiring only a few minutes of your time).