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Poster Session 2: A Tribute to Dieter Stoeffler: Potpourri of Shock, Craters, Ejecta, and Models

Thursday, August 1, 2024, 5:30 PM
Marble Room

de Campos N.* Crósta A. P.
Morpho-Structural Analysis of Impact Craters on Pluto [#6002]
We revisited the current crater classification, dividing craters into simple, transitional complex, and complex and applied it to Pluto and also introduced a new detailed subdivision for complex craters based on morpho-structural characteristics.
Doumnang J.-C. Rochette P.* Quesnel Y. Gattacceca J.
Proven and Possible Impact Structures from Chad: A Review and New Findings [#6004]
Two impact craters are proven in Chad: Aorounga and Gweni-Fada.The most promising proposed structures are Faya, Iro lake and Mousso. We also put forward a new 31 km diameter structure named Ehi Gidaha.
Rochette P.* Gattacceca J. Quesnel Y. Devouard B. Musolino A.
Lake Marsal: A Large Impact Structure Candidate in Quebec, Canada [#6009]
A new >15 km diameter impact structure candidate is identified in the Grenville 1.2 Ga province in Québec (Canada) based on géomorphology and the presence in its center of a post-orogenic melt breccia.
Sato H.* Ishikawa A. Lowery C. M. Arenillas I. Arz J. A. et al.
Perturbation of the Re-Os System for up to 700 Kyr in the Gulf of Mexico after the Chicxulub Impact [#6040]
This abstract focuses on new Os isotope records in the early Paleocene limestones deposited in the Chicxulub impact basin of the Gulf of Mexico and other Mexican sites, calibrated with recent biochronological scales for planktic foraminifera.
Hyde W. R.* Plan A. Alwmark C. Alwmark S. Waight T.
Microstructural Characterisation of Ilmenite (FeTiO3) from Melt-Bearing Impactites and Impact Ejecta [#6053]
Microstructural characterisation of ilmenite from melt-bearing impactites originating from multiple impact structures and impact ejecta reveals a variety of grain textures and microstructures likely forming in response to shock or impact heating.
Pereira F. L. Crosta A. P.* Vasconcelos M. A. R. Avona P. D. Góes A. M.
Insights into the Geology and Structural Framework of the Nova Colinas Impact Structure, Brazil, Based on Magnetometric and Seismic Data [#6057]
Geophysical studies were carried out at the Nova Colinas impact structure in Brazil. Discovery of shock characteristics, Edge of structure determined and modeled with aerial geophysical survey and identification of regional geology.
Liao S. Y.* Che X. C. Hsu W. B. Zhang T. A.
Impact Reworking of the Vestan Crust at Around 4.55 Ga [#6076]
We report the oldest impact at ca. 4.55 Ga in HEDs with clear petrographic evidence, demonstrating that the Vesta crust have gone through an epoch of intensive bombardments when primordial heat sources may still active.
Hauser N.* Reimold W. U. Falco J. I. De Barros Borges G. Assis S. O. et al.
The Tilomonte Crater in the Atacama Region, Chile: Comparison with Monturaqui Impact Structure [#6099]
The Tilomonte Crater in the Atacama region of Chile is very similar to the Monturaqui impact crater. We report first field and petrographic observations for Tilomonte.
Ait Oufella L. A.* Quesnel Y. Q. Godard V. G.
Morphological and Geophysical Evolution of Impact Craters [#6120]
Forward modeling of the erosion of simple and complex crater topography, and of the associated geophysical signature using python language.
Du T. R. T.* Zhang A. C. Chen J. N. Wen Y. Y.
Anomalous Temperature Distribution in Shock Melt Veins: New Insights [#6132]
We report that the dissociation of olivine and the distribution of ringwoodite also support our previous investigations on anomalous temperature distribution in shock melt veins.
Darnault M.* Musolino A. Devouard B. Roperch P. Valenzuela M. et al.
Mineralogy and Petrology of Pica Glasses (Atacama Desert, Chile) [#6162]
PG's origin is attributed to either an airburst or dry vegetation fires. Our petrological observations (carried out with SEM and Raman spectroscopy) do not require extreme extreme pressure/temperature and PG could be interpreted as a product of fire.
Boyd M. R.* Genge M. J. Salge T.
K-Pg Impact Spherules: Clues to Formation and Plume Dynamics [#6212]
We present data from a collection of K-Pg spherules from a continental depositional setting. The spherules have a bimodal size distribution, possibly indicating distinct formation mechanisms, and are heavily altered by diagenesis.
Ould Mohamed Navee E.* Baratoux D. Chennaoui Aoudjehane H. Si Mhamdi H. Raji M.
Systematic Search of Circular Structures Using Satellite Imagery to Identify Potential New Impact Structures in Mauritania [#6251]
Satellite imagery is used to prospect circular structures in the Mauritanian territory to look for new potential impact craters in Mauritania. We could select 6 promising circular structures among 50 new discovered ones.
Cavosie A. J.* Joseph C. Fougerouse D. Quintero R. R.
Impact Age from Granular Shocked Xenotime [#6266]
Shocked xenotime grains in impact melt rocks from the Araguainha impact structure record the impact age.
Losiak A.* Burchell M. J. Alesbrook L. S. Wozniakiewicz P. J. Tandy J. et al.
Charring of Wood Induced by a Shock Wave During a Hypervelocity Impact? Experiments Say No [#6290]
A direct hit of a hypervelocity impactor does not produce charcoals. Charcoals found within proximal ejecta blankets of very small impact craters (Campo del Cielo, Whitecourt, Kaali Main and Kaali 2/8, Morasko) have to produced by a different process.
Bray L.* Lagain A. Carter J. Pineau M. Quesnel Y.
Exploration of the Intensity of Post-Impact Hydrothermal Processes: Earth/Mars Comparison [#6299]
This research focuses on understanding the formation and longevity of hydrothermal systems following asteroid impacts on Earth and Mars.
Muftakhetdinova R. F.* Razorenov S. V. Khomskaya I. V. Grokhovsky V. I. Khotinov V. A. et al.
Dynamic and Quasi-Static Mechanical Properties of Iron Meteorites [#6314]
The aim of the study was to determine the strength properties of iron meteorites by conducting both quasi-static and dynamic tests, as well as to study the features of their destruction.
Harries D.* Watson E. Schimmerohn M. Landeck A. Langbein J. et al.
Experimental Hypervelocity Impact Fragmentation of Peridotite [#6318]
Peridotite targets were experimentally fragmented using a 2-stage light gas gun and a single-stage powder gun. A new approach to fragment mass statistics was used to derive critical specific energies of catastrophic disruption.
Gajewska K.* Alwmark S. Alwmark C.
Exploring Shock Features in Accessory Minerals from the Tvären Impact Structure, Sweden [#6337]
This research investigates crystallographic deformations in accessory minerals from the Tvären impact structure, Sweden. It aims to assess their potential as shock indicators in quartz-lacking targets.
Plan A.* Kenny G. G. Erickson T. M. Hyde W. R. Alwmark S. et al.
Tracing Geochemical Pattern of Zircon-Reidite-Zircon Phase Transitioning [#6345]
This study combines electron backscatter diffraction and secondary ion mass spectrometry scanning ion imaging to constrain trace element mobility during ZrSiO4 phase transitions (zircon-reidite-zircon).
Kitha M. Poelchau M. H.* Kenkmann T.
Fault Formation in Basement Rocks of the Rochechouart Impact Structure, France [#6373]
Thin sections of rock from the Rochechouart strucutre were sampled from a network of major and subsidiary fault planes were scanned to highlight key areas of interest such as wall rock contacts, comminuted layers, and dark veins.
Strait M. M.* Flynn G. J. Willman H. Rolling A. Pytel T. et al.
Effect of Target Face Angle on the Momentum Transfer During Hypervelocity Impact [#6424]
Investigation of the effect of the target face angle on hypervelocity impacts into an L3 chondrite is studied.
Desch S. J.*
Be, La, U-Rich Spherules as Microtektites of Terrestrial Laterites [#6429]
Certain putatively extrasolar spherules collected near Papua New Guinea strongly resemble Australasian microtektites, perhaps from a lateritic soil. A fraction of iron-rich microtektites may arise this way but be overlooked as I-type spherules.
Hamann C.* Rice P. Greshake A.
Evidence of Impact-Induced Planetary Differentiation of the H Chondrite Parent Body Documented in the Boutel Fil (b) Impact Melt Breccia [#6438]
We report on petrographic and compositional evidence for impact-induced, partial planetary differentiation of the H chondrite parent body recorded in the form of quenched impact-melt domains in the Boutel Fil (b) H chondrite melt breccia.
Darnault M.* Seydoux-Guillaume A- M. Sao-Joao S. Cavosie A. J.
Deformation Microstructures in Monazite from Araguainha Impact Structure (Brazil) [#6159]
Araguainha impact structure's monazites were analyzed using EBSD, FIB/SEM, and TEM. Twins and neoblastics domains were observed and will be compared to laser-driven shocked monazites for a better understanding of deformation mechanisms at nanoscale.
Tiwari K.* Ghosh S. Miyahara M. Ray D.
Rapid Olivine-Ringwoodite Transformation in Katol Chondrite (L6): Implications for Superheating of Chondritic Melt and Seismic Attenuation [#6286]
Analysis of growth kinetics of ringwoodite in the Katol L6 chondrite and its implications for constraining the superheating of impact melt and attenuation properties of shocked materials.


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