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A Tribute to Dieter Stoeffler 4: Impact Cratering in Nature, Experiments, and Models

Thursday, August 1, 2024, 8:30 AM
Throne Room

Jean-Guillaume Feignon
John Spray
8:30 AM
Faucher J.* Luais B. Sato H. Debaille V. Goderis S.
Drilling the Rochechouart Impact Structure: Direct Insights on the Impact-Induced Processes Leading to Melt-Rich Impactites [#6134]
This presentation summarizes petrographic, elemental and isotopic geochemical works on melt-rich samples from the 2017 drilling campaign in order to unravel impact-induced processes such as melting, mixing, evaporation, or hydrothermal alteration.
8:45 AM
Guerrero D. Reimold W. U. Hauser N.* Kenny G. Lambert P.
Zircon Shock Textures and U-Pb on Zircon Chronology for Rochechouart Impactite Samples [#6059]
Zircon from two suevites and one impact melt rock from the Rochechouart impact structure have been analysed for texture and U-Pb isotopes (by SIMS and LA-ICP-MS) to determine the zircon provenances — in comparison to zircon from target lithologies.
9:00 AM
Gutierrez Pardo Y. A.* Reimold W. U. Hauser N. Gibson R. L. Lopes Oliveira A. et al.
The Vredefort Impact Melt Rock (Vredefort Granophyre): New Insights from Chemical Analysis Including Multi Isotope Studies [#6021]
Meteorite impacts produce molten layers crucial for differentiation. Sudbury and Vredefort show composite and homogeneous dikes, supporting mixing theories. Ongoing research includes mafic microclast and isotopic analyses, confirming prior discoveries in Vredefort.
9:15 AM
Avona P. D. Crósta A. P.* Bjonnes E. Vasconcelos M. A.R. Pereira F. L. et al.
Nova Colinas Impact Structure, Brazil: Numerical Modeling of the Formation [#6143]
Nova Colinas is the 9th confirmed impact structure in Brazil and is the 4th crater formed in basaltic target rocks in the country. The structure is nearly circular with ~7 km. Here we used the iSALE shock physics code to simulate the formation of NC.
9:30 AM
Kaskes P.* Marchegiano M. Peral M. Goderis S. Claeys P.
Clumped Isotope Analysis as a New Tool to Constrain Impact-Related Thermal Processes: A Case Study from the Chicxulub Impact Structure [#6146]
Hot secondary carbonate phases found within the Chicxulub impact structure suggest a reduced CO2 release at the K-Pg boundary 66 Myr ago. This study highlights the potential of the clumped-isotope technique in deciphering thermal impact processes.
9:45 AM
Pickersgill A. E.* Keller T. Christou E. V.
Investigating the Role of Salinity in Impact Hydrothermal Circulation [#6458]
A MATLAB model for investigating salinity and double diffusive convection in post-impact hydrothermal systems.
10:00 AM
Kenny G. G.*
First, Revised, and Higher-Precision Ages for Terrestrial Impact Structures [#6151]
I present a summary of new impact ages to which I have recently contributed and provide data for some as-yet-unpublished studies. This equates to first, revised, or higher-precision impact ages for ca. 5% of known impact structures on Earth.
10:15 AM
Prakash M.* Gulick S. P. S. Grima C. Jordan M. T. K. Gerekos C. et al.
Investigations of a Cliff-Forming Suevite Layer in Schrödinger Basin [#6311]
Analyses of outcrops and boulder falls in throughout Schrödinger Basin grabens show them to be from a cliff-forming, melt-rich, high-albedo, pervasive, and heterogeneous layer. This corresponds to a massive suevite deposit from the original impact.
10:30 AM
Marshal R. M.* Rüsch O. Patzek M.
Suevite and Its Sub-mm Scale Surface Roughness — Textures Surrounding a Rocky Impact Crater [#6125]
An investigation of the sub-mm-scale surface roughness exhibited by Ries impactites.
10:45 AM
Wünnemann K.* Luther R. Herreros I. Benavidez P. Raducan S. D. et al.
Impact Model Validation and Laboratory Experiments in the Frame of the Hera Mission [#6264]
We present results from recent impact experiments with complex target setups, which serve for model validation. The study is conducted with application to the DART/Hera missions.
11:00 AM
Senel C. B.* Karatekin Ö. Luther R. Daiyi K. Zhu M. H. et al.
DART-scale Hypervelocity Impact Simulations: Insights into the Interior of Near-Earth Asteroid Dimorphos [#6443]
Interior features of near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) are mostly unknown. To understand what lies underneath the surface of NEA Dimorphos, the target of the NASA DART impact, here we simulated various interior scenarios through iSALE shock physics modeling.
11:15 AM
Renggli C. J.* Berndt J.
Inside the Plume: Lunar Sample 14076 Reveals Chemical Evolution of an Impact Plume [#6023]
High-resolution investigations of impact related Apollo 14 regolith sample 14076 reveal the chemical evolution of a lunar impact plume, from evaporation to gas-melt reactions (ingassing), and condensation, at a constrained oxygen fugacity.
11:30 AM
Artemieva N.*
Making Ries Crater and its Ejecta from Numbers [#6185]
Numerical models allow us to reproduce the geological formations related to the Ries crater in southern Germany.
11:45 AM
Losiak A.* Kryszczynska A. Oszkiewicz D. Szczucinski W. Rachlewicz G. et al.
Morasko Impact Craters (Poland): Outreach Potential and Planned Educational Activities [#6313]
Morasko strewn field in Poland is site with amazing outreach potential. We plan to establish an interactive museum to allow people to explore the relationship between Space and Earth.


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