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Poster Session 1: Small Body Evolution and Planetary Differentiation

Tuesday, July 30, 2024, 5:30 PM
Marble Room

Cuppone T.* Pratesi G. Casalini M. Stephant A. Greenwood R. G. et al.
Mineralogic and Δ17O-ε54Cr Isotopic Composition of Brachinite Northwest Africa 13489: A New Metachondrite with ‘CX’ Chondrite Affinity? [#6029]
We present new mineralogic and isotopic data for NWA 13489 brachinite, which indicate a CC-like affinity. O-Cr isotopic systematics suggest a possible membership to informal CX chondrite group.
Gamblin J.* Füri E. Luais B.
New Insights into Nitrogen Isotopic Variations in the Early Solar System from the Study of Pallasites [#6176]
We present N isotope data for the metal phase of main-group, Eagle Station, pyroxene pallasites, and Milton to improve our understanding of the N isotopic distribution in differentiated planetesimals that accreted early in the NC and CC reservoirs.
Jiang Y.* Li P. Y. Liao S. Y. Zhao K. Hsu W. B.
Wan Zawatin 001: A Unique Anorthite-Rich Diogenite from Vesta [#6260]
Wan Zawatin 001 is a relatively coarse-grained monomict breccia predominantly composed of plagioclase (79.1 vol%) and orthopyroxene (19.9 vol%). This unique diogenite formed after the complete decay of 26Al and thus are younger than eucrites.
Lowe H.* Snape J. F. Whitehouse M. J.
Pb Isotope Systematics and Ages of Clasts in Eucrite Breccia Northwest Africa 12701 [#6303]
Analysis of Pb isotope systematics in NWA 12701 indicates ages of ~4555–4445 Ma for igneous clasts and 4395 Ma for impact melt clasts, and evolution in sources with μ-values of ~50–100. This is consistent with a volatile depleted nature of Vesta.
Megevand V.* Bernard S. Dobrica E. Perez L. Roskosz M. et al.
P-Bearing Phases in Several Meteorite Classes: Assessing Extraterrestrial Delivery of Phosphorus at the Surface of the Early Earth [#6037]
We explored the diversity of P-bearing minerals within several meteorite classes trying to understand in what forms extraterrestrial reactive phosphorus, potentially involved in the emergence of life, may have been delivered to the early Earth.
Morlok A.* Weber I. Reitze M. P. Stojic A. N. Klemme S. et al.
Mid-Infrared Studies of Oxides and Reduced Phases for the BepiColombo Mission to Mercury [#6122]
We present mid-infrared reflectance spectra for oxides (e.g., spinel) and reduced phases (e.g., SiC), which will be part of a database for the ongoing ESA/JAXA BepiColombo mission to Mercury.
Moser D.* Sergienko M. V. Andreev A. O. Nefedyev Y. A.
The December Alpha Aurigids Meteor Shower [#6195]
This paper presents a synthetic method for identifying meteoroids with near-Earth objects. The synthetic method contains criteria for various types of orbital identity combined together.
Moser D.* Sergienko M. V. Andreev A. O. Nefedyev Y. A.
Dynamic Connections of Bolides with Near-Earth Objects [#6194]
The CNEOS database of fireball objects was analyzed and their connections with near-Earth asteroids and comets were found.
Néri A. Kubik E. Golabek G. J. Bouvier A. Walte N. P.*
On the Peculiar Separation of Metal and Troilite Pockets in Acapulcoites [#6256]
Acapulcoites display a spatial separation of Fe-Ni and troilite pockets that apparently contradicts surface energy minimization. Based on annealing experiments we find a new passive separation mechanism of the opaque phases by silicate grain growth.
Papola G. S.* Fischer-Gödde M. Wombacher F. Patzek M. Münker C. et al.
Siderophile Volatile Elements in Magmatic Iron Meteorites [#6300]
Iron meteorites represent fragmented pieces of the earliest accreted planetesimals. Their siderophile volatile element inventories provide a window for understanding differentiation and accretion processes in the early solar system.
Patzek M.* Rüsch O. Molaro J. L. Gundlach B.
On the Response of Chondrites to Diurnal Temperature Change — Experimental Simulation of Asteroidal Surface Conditions [#6340]
We will present a recent experimental approach to study the effect of diurnal temperature variations of rocks on asteroid surfaces using different meteorites as asteroid analogues. There is a strong difference between hydrous and anhydrous samples.
Rider-Stokes B. G.* Stephant A. Zhao X. Franchi I. A. Anand M. et al.
Hydrogen Content and Isotopic Composition of the Most Ancient Crusts in the Inner Solar System [#6324]
Hydrogen content and isotopic compositions of the most ancient felsic achondrites reveal insights into the role of hydrogen in evolved partial melts.
Rogers A. F.* Forman L. V. Rankenburg K. Danišík M. Benedix G. K.
Petrographic and Geochemical Insights on “Ungrouped” Iron Meteorites from Western Australia [#6149]
This study has analysed the petrology and geochemistry of 3 ungrouped iron meteorites from Western Australia using ESBD and LA-ICP-MS to understand the differentiation processes that formed these meteorites and their parent bodies.
Sergienko M. V.* Andreev A. O. Nefedyev Y. A.
Connection of the Sigma-Capricornids Meteor Shower with Near-Earth Asteroids [#6137]
This work is devoted to establishing genetic connections of the sigma-Сapricornids meteor shower with near-Earth asteroids of different groups using the author’s modernized synthetic method.
Sergienko M. V.* Andreev A. O. Nefedyev Y. A.
The Modernized Synthetic Method for Searching Connections Between Near-Earth Objects [#6139]
In this work, we improved the previously developed synthetic method for searching for connections among near-Earth objects. It provides good agreement with the results obtained for meteor showers with already established parent bodies.


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