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Poster Session 1: Asteroidal Achondrites: A Tribute to Hiroshi Takeda

Tuesday, July 30, 2024, 5:30 PM
Marble Room

Burke T.* Glorie S. Hand M.
In-Situ Mesosiderite Thermochronology [#6467]
We present three novel in situ dating of a broad range of chronometers to provide insight into the combined high (Lu-Hf), low (U-Pb), and very low (Pu fission track) temeprature history of mesosiderites phosphate Pinnaroo, Mt. Padbury, and EET87500.
Carpenter P. K.* Irving A. J. Ziegler K.
Petrologic and Isotopic Characterization of Quenched Non-Vesicular Angrite Northwest Africa 16691 Found in Mauritania [#6206]
We describe a relatively large quench-textured angrite stone recovered recently in Mauritania, which represents the 31st known unpaired angrite specimen.
Gattacceca J.* Tartèse R. Debaille V. Devouard B. Beck P. et al.
Caleta el Cobre 050: A Basaltic Andesite with Possible Affinities with Ureilites [#6352]
We will present results on the petrography, geochemistry, spectral properties, and chronology of Caleta el Cobre 050 , a basaltic andesite that may have formed from the melt extracted from primitive achondrites similar to the ureilites.
Irving A. J.* Carpenter P. K. Boesenberg J. S. Ziegler K. Ibarra D. E.
Reduced Ultramagnesian Augite-Rich Achondrites with Affinities to Aubrites [#6209]
Several recently recovered highly magnesian augite-rich achondrites have mineralogical and oxygen isotopic affinities to aubrites and serve to extend the mineralogical diversity of cumulate rocks on the aubrite parent body or bodies.
Lacheux M. Cartier C.* Loth L. Faure F. Villeneuve J. et al.
Petrological and Geochemical Study of Aubrite Vitrophyres: Insights into Aubrite Origin [#6165]
Six aubrite vitrophyres were discovered and characterized in situ using SEM, EPMA, SIMS, LA-ICPMS, and Raman spectroscopy. Results suggest that these objects originate from the aubrite parent body, and could sample volcanic lithologies.
Miura Y. N.* Okazaki R.
Noble Gases in a Polymict Eucrite, an Unbrecciated Eucrite and a Howardite [#6310]
We measured noble gases in two eucrites and a howardite, Northwest Africa (NWA) 1109 (Euc), NWA 1466 (Euc), and Dar al Gani 779 (How), in order to study diversity of the HED meteorite clan as well as origin, characteristics, and sub-classification.
Rubino S.* Zambon F. Brunetto R. Barraud O. Besse S. et al.
Space-Weathering on Vesta: Ion-Implantation Induced Spectroscopic Changes on HEDs [#6100]
We performed new ion-implantation experiments on HEDs to emulate the effects of space weathering on Vesta and probe new spectroscopic parameter spaces with which to investigate weathering-induced trends on Vesta’s surface.
Thakur H.* Chakrabarti R. Ray D. Ghosh S.
Radiogenic and Stable Strontium Isotopic Data for Fall HED Meteorites from India [#6179]
This study examines the radiogenic and stable Sr isotopic compositions of four HED meteorites, all of which are falls from the Indian subcontinent, including the first δ88/86Sr measurements for a howardite.
Wu Y.* Che X. Pan L. Yan P. Xiao Z.
Phosphate U-Pb Chronology of the Albite-Rich Achondrite Erg Atouila 001 [#6113]
The study presents in situ SIMS U-Pb dating results for phosphates in the ungrouped albite-rich achondrite Erg Atouila 001.
Zachén G.* Alwmark C. Alwmark S. Ferrière L.
Igneous or Metamorphic: Toward a More Useful Classification Scheme for Mesosiderites [#6269]
We present recommendations for future classification of mesosiderites and propose suggestions for an improved classification scheme that takes the complexity of mesosiderites into account.
Bhowmick S. Swain S. Das S. P. Roszjar J. Rout S. S.*
Raman Spectroscopy of Zircon Grains in the Monomict Eucrite Dar al Gani 647 [#6262]
Raman spectroscopy and cathodoluminescence study of zircon grains in the monomict eucrite DAG 647 to understand their structural state and thermal history.
Zhao R.* Lin Y. Hu S. Liu X. Liu Y. et al.
Petrology and Chronology of Eucrite Melt Breccia Northwest Africa 15050 [#6135]
NWA 15050 is a monomict, non-cumulate eucrite melt breccia with an average Pb-Pb age for micro-zircon crystallization at 4558 ± 18 Ma while the apatites have a much younger age at 4125 ± 21 Ma, indicating a late major impact event on its parent body.


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