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Poster Session 1: Disk Evolution, Chronology, and Isotope Anomalies

Tuesday, July 30, 2024, 5:30 PM
Marble Room

Williams N. H.* Craig G. Pfeifer M. Bouman C. Lloyd N. S.
High Precision Isotope Ratio Analysis for Cosmochemistry Applications Using the Thermo Scientific Neoma MC-ICP-MS [#6292]
The Neoma MC-ICP-MS offers enhanced sensitivity, stability, and precision for isotope cosmochemistry applications. This study demonstrates its superior performance in measuring iron, copper, zinc, and tungsten isotopes.
Cabrita D. G. C.* Debaille V. Goderis S. Decrée S.
The Chemical and Chronological Al-Mg Record of Achondrites: Clues to Understanding Early Solar System Formation [#6344]
The main goal of this work is to obtain better constraints on the crystallization history and the chronological evolution of achondrite samples by measuring their trace element compositions, Al-Mg ratios and Mg isotope ratios.
Futó P.* Gucsik A.
Micro-Raman Spectroscopy of Silicate Phases of the Kaba Meteorite [#6456]
The Raman study describes Mg–rich, Ca – and Al–bearing silicates in the Kaba meteorite to understand more about the crystallization process in the early solar system.
Grant H.* Tartèse R. Jones R. H. Brearley A. Piani L. et al.
Composition of Water and Identification of the H-Anomalous Phase in Unequilibrated Ordinary Chondrites [#6423]
Unequilibrated ordinary chondrites of the lowest subtypes contain an extremely D-rich (δD > 6,000‰), as-of-yet unidentified phase in their matrix. NanoSIMS and TEM co-analysis suggests this may be primitive amorphous silicates.
Ebert S.* Nagashima K. Krot A. N. Bischoff A.
Multi-Isotope In-Situ Study Reveals Two Isotopically Distinct Populations of Refractory Inclusions Within the EHa3 Chondrite Sahara 97072 [#6034]
Two different populations of refractory inclusions, "normal" and PLAC-like, are identified in the EHa3 enstatite chondrite Sahara 97072 based on their O, Al-Mg, Ca, and Ti isotopic compositions.
Masuda Y.* Yokoyama T.
Relationship of Nucleosynthetic Isotope Anomalies Among Multiple Elements in Refractory Inclusions Found Within CV Chondrites [#6062]
Nucleosynthetic isotope anomalies for multiple elements (Ca, Ti, Cr, Sr) from fine-grained CAIs (FGs) were compared. Results suggest the presence of at least three isotopic reservoirs at FG formation sites.


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