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Chondrites 1: Carbonaceous and Related Chondrites

Tuesday, July 30, 2024, 2:45 PM
Albert II Auditorium

Rhian Jones
Martin Lee
2:45 PM
Hanna R. D.* Ketcham R. A. Edey D. R. Whittington A.
Fine-Grained Rim Porosity Structure in CM Murchison [#6367]
We are examining the microporosity and compositional structure of fine-grained rims in CM Murchison to examine how secondary processing affects the rims.
3:00 PM
Prestgard T. J.* Beck P. Gattacceca J. Bonal L. Sonzogni C.
Seeking Hidden Treasures: Identifying “Unusual” Carbonaceous Chondrites Misclassified as CO3s [#6342]
We report eight carbonaceous chondrites that are misclassified as CO3 chondrites. Among them, one may be a particularly mildly altered CM2 while four may be related to "unusual" meteorites such as Telakoast 001 and NWA 11750.
3:15 PM
Zhang A. C.* Wang S. Z. Du T. R. T. Chen J. N. Wen Y. Y. et al.
Petrologic Type-Correlated Sulfide-Rich Replacement Textures in Ornans Type Carbonaceous Chondrites [#6022]
The sulfide-rich replacement textures in CO chondrites could be potential petrologic record of partially differentiated asteroid.
3:30 PM
Braukmüller N. B.* Funk C. F. Abouchami W. A. Pickard H. P. Rehkämper M. R. et al.
Moderately Volatile Elements in Chondritic Meteorites Record Chondrule Formation, Two-Component Mixing and Redistribution on Parent Bodies [#6296]
Moderately volatile elements (MVE) in chondrites are depleted because of chondrule formation. The CI-normalized abundances of MVE and their stable isotope compositions reflect mixing between a CI-like matrix and a MVE-poor refractory component.
3:45 PM
Jakubek R. S.* Fries M. D.
Structural Differences Between Insoluble Organic Matter in Matrix and Chondrules: Potential Insights into Pre-Parent Body Thermal Alteration [#6044]
Raman imaging shows structural differences between the insoluble organic matter in matrix and chondrules that may have resulted from pre-parent body alteration.
4:00 PM
Jones R. H.* Harrison C. S. Lumley-Curtis D. King A. J.
Heating Effects in Dehydrated CM Chondrites: Response of Calcite to Short Heating Events in Laboratory Experiments [#6175]
We heated chips of CM chondrite Murchison to examine conditions in dehydrated CM chondrites. Calcite shows limited change at 500°C, some breakdown at 700°C, and complete breakdown at 900°C along with local mobility of calcium into surrounding matrix.
4:15 PM
Zolensky M.* Le L.
How Are H Chondrites Like HEDs? Frequent Presence of C1 and CM Xenoliths [#6160]
C1 and CM xenoliths are verified to be frequently present in H chondrites but not L or LL.
4:30 PM
Lee M. R.* Griffin S. Floyd C. J. Zhao X. Franchi I.
4:45 PM
Dunn T. L.* Alevy E. G.
Reevaluating the Extent of Metamorphism in the "CV4" Chondrites [#6430]
"CV4" chondrites / Are they equilibrated? / Olivine says no.
5:00 PM
Hewins R. H.* Zanetta P-M. Leroux H. Laforet S. Marinova M. et al.
Accretion of CR Parent Bodies: Evidence from Accretionary Pebbles and Magnetite Fabrics [#6055]
Anomalous CRs have abundant oval dark inclusions that have accretionary concentric magnetite zones and are lapilli rather than clasts. Magnetite abundance indicates ammonia ice and the lapilli suggest late pebble accretion in the outer disk.


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