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The Importance of Sample Return: ANGSA and Chang'E

Friday, March 17, 2023, 8:20 AM
Waterway Ballroom 1

Cordula Haupt
Timmons Erickson
Susana Hoyos
8:20 AM
Session Introduction
8:25 AM
Neuman M.* Koefoed P. Wang K. Jolliff B. L. Korotev R. L. et al.
Composition of Apollo 17 Double Drive Tube 73001 / 73002 [#1625]
We determined the bulk chemistry of every 0.5-cm interval of Apollo 17 double drive tube 73001/73002 and used the data to model major lithologic components.
8:35 AM
Valenciano J. L.* Neal C. R. Shearer C. K. ANGSA Science Team 
Chemical Stratigraphy of Apollo 17 Drive Tube 73001 [#2141]
An investigation of the regolith found in Apollo 17 drive tube 73001.
8:45 AM
Shearer C. K.* Simon S. B. Dottin J. Cato M. McCubbin F. M. et al.
Investigating Pyroclastic Volcanism in the Taurus-Littrow Valley (TLV) Using The Station 3 Double Drive Tube 73001-73002 [#1773]
Pyroclastic volcanism is represented in the regolith and regolith breccias sampled in the TLV at Station 3. What new perspectives do these samples provide?
8:55 AM
Jolliff B. L.* Carpenter P. K. Yen C. J.-K. Neuman M. D. Ogliore R. C. et al.
In Search of Tycho Ejecta in Apollo 17 Double Drive Tube 73001/2 Using Continuous Core Thin Section Quantitative Analysis [#1818]
Searching for distinctive Tycho ejecta / In 73001/2 double drive tube, recently opened / Low FeO and HCP > LCP, still looking; haven’t found it yet.
9:05 AM
Panel Q&A
9:25 AM
Elsila J. E.* Aponte J. C. Dworkin J. P. Glavin D. P. McLain H. L. et al.
Organic Compounds and Cyanide in the Apollo 17 Specially Curated ANGSA Samples [#1640]
Low levels of organic compounds are present in the ANGSA core and frozen samples. Volatile compounds may be better preserved under sealed curation conditions.
9:35 AM
Erickson T. M.* Simon J. I. Christoffersen R. G. Shearer C. Hahn T. et al.
Microstructural Characterization of Felsite Fragments from the Apollo Next Generation Sample Analysis (ANGSA) Double Drive Tube 73001/73002 [#1666]
We will present coordinated SEM, CL, EBSD, EPMA, and TEM data from evolved fragments within the ANGSA Double Drive Tube 73001/73002.
9:45 AM
Guo Z.* Li C. Li Y. Wen Y. Wu Y. et al.
Impact-Induced Formation of Sub-Microscopic Magnetite Within Chang’E-5 Sulfide Grains [#1130]
Magnetite is rarely present on the Moon, and submicroscopic magnetite formed by eutectic reaction during the impact process was observed in Chang’E-5 lunar soil.
9:55 AM
Ling Z. C.* Cao H. J. Jolliff B. L. Wang A. Chen J. et al.
Raman Spectroscopic Characterization of Chang'E-5 Drilled Subsurface Soil CE5Z0107 [#1904]
We investigate the mineral modes and geochemistry of the subsurface soil CE5Z0107 and make comparisons with those of the surface soil sample CE5C0600.
10:05 AM
Panel Q&A
10:25 AM
Li Y. H.* Wang Z. C. Zhang W. Zhou L. Zong K. Q. et al.
Rb-Sr Systematics of Chang’E-5 Lunar Soils and Records of Complex Thermal Modification [#1783]
We in-situ analyzed Rb-Sr isotope of basaltic/mineral fragments in CE-5 lunar soil and the results record a complex thermal modification history.
10:35 AM
Hoyos S. H.* Grove T. L. G.
Petrogenesis of the Chang’E-5 Mare Basalts: Implications for the Origin of the Youngest Sampled Lunar Magmas [#1858]
We have conducted crystallization experiments on the most primitive Chang’E 5 basalts to constrain the Moon’s thermal and magmatic evolution during the last 2 Ga.
10:45 AM
Haupt C. P.* Renggli C. J. Klaver M. Steenstra E. Berndt J. et al.
Experimental and Petrological Investigations into the Origin of the Lunar Change'5 Basalts [#1059]
We present results of high-P and high-T experiments on Chang’E 5 basalt compositions to decipher their origin and understand young lunar volcanic activity.
10:55 AM
Elardo S. M.* Cone K. A. Williams S. J. Palin R. M.
A Shallow Mantle Source for the Chang'E 5 Basalts Indicates Prolonged Indirect Heating of the Upper Mantle by KREEP [#2624]
Phase equilibrium experiments show that the young evolved basalt returned by Chang’E 5 was likely derived from a shallow source heated indirectly by KREEP.
11:05 AM
Panel Q&A
11:25 AM
Session Closure
