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Poster Session: Small Bodies: Laboratory Analyses, Experiments, and Modeling

Thursday, March 16, 2023, 6:30 PM
Town Center Exhibit Hall

Clark C. S.* Rilee M. L. Clark P. E.
Progress 2023: Constant-Scale Natural Boundary Mapping [#2879]
We review our multi-decade project; we begin creating software to automate the CSNB process; we refine our maps to visualize dust transport on comet 67P.
Lisse C. M.* Steckloff J. K. Prialnik D. Womack M. Harrington-Pinto O. et al.
29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1: An Excellent Nearby Laboratory for Studying Amorphous -> Crystalline Water Ice Conversion in Centaurs and Comets [#1859]
Centaur SW1 is still responding, via AWI -> CWI conversion, and CO + dust release, to the quick change in its environment after 4.5 Gyrs in the Kuiper belt.
Sánchez P.* Scheeres D. J. Quillen A.
Energy Dissipation in Self-Gravitating Aggregates [#1069]
We study the rapid initial energy dissipation after a subsonic impact on an asteroid and the slow dissipation that a wobbling asteroid could later go through.
Sánchez P.* Renouf M. Azéma E.
Modelling Gravitational Accretion: Observable Polydispersity at the Surface vs. Real Polydispersity. Preliminary Results [#1071]
We simulate the gravitational accretion of a polydisperse granular cloud and compare the particle size distribution of the surface to the that of the interior.
Baijal N.* Denton C. A. Asphaug E.
Porosity and Collisional Seismology of Asteroid Interiors [#1451]
Impact modeling / Seismic-shaking asteroids / Porosity’s role?
Whizin A. D.* Soto A. Meyer Z. Springmann A. Parker A. H. et al.
Cratering and Ejecta Dynamics on Small Rubble-Pile Asteroids: Pre-Flight Experiments [#2406]
We designed a reduced-gravity flight investigation to improve our understanding of impact cratering and ejecta on small rubble-pile asteroids.
Yokota Y.* Arakawa M. Yasui M. Yamamoto Y. Okawa H. et al.
Experimental Studies on Crater Scaling Law Applicable to Undulating Surfaces and Crater Collapse [#1880]
We conduct crater formation experiments on a target that simulates the undulating topography of an asteroid surface.
Pytel T.* Wheeler-Cooney H. Flynn G. J. Strait M. Durda D. D.
Speed-of-Sound Measurements on Meteorite Samples [#1246]
The speed-of-sound in 21 meteorites showed high values for low-porosity ordinary chondrites but lower values for higher-porosity CV3 and ordinary chondrites.
Gowman G.* Asphaug E. Ryan A. Cotto-Figueroa D. Garvie L. A. J.
Roughness and Angularity of Strength-Tested Meteorite Fragments [#2543]
We quantify roughness and angularity for nine meteorite fragments.
Jardine K. J.* Dove A. D. Tetard L. T.
Cohesion on CI Simulant Particles Using an Atomic Force Microscope [#3012]
In this work we expand our measurements of the contact forces between single regolith grains in vacuum by characterizing the cohesive/adhesive values.
Tinker C. R.* Glotch T. D. Breitenfeld L. B. Li L.
Experimental and Analytical Methods for Thermal Infrared Spectroscopy of Complex Dust Coatings in a Simulated Asteroid Environment [#1514]
A variety of dust coating scenarios are classified by their physical structure and studied for effects on thermal infrared spectroscopy in airless environments.
Jaramillo-Correa C.* Allain J. P. Clark R. Cloutis E. Domingue D. L. et al.
Effects of Atmospheric Processing on Minerals Relevant to Small Bodies [#2774]
We study how exposure to Earth’s atmosphere alters the properties of analog minerals relevant to small bodies studies.
Naraoka H.* Yurimoto H.
Hydrogen Isotope Distribution of Carbonaceous Chondrites Determined by Two-Step Pyrolysis Coupled with Chromium Reduction [#1875]
Hydrogen isotope ratios of hydrous silicates in carbonaceous chondrites were determined using a combination of two-step pyrolysis and H2O reduction in a chromium furnace.
Nakajima T.* Furuya S. Inada S. Takigawa A. Tachibana S.
Decomposition Kinetics of Magnesite in Vacuum and Its Implication for the Surface Thermal History of Asteroid (162173) Ryugu [#1873]
Decomposition kinetics of magnesite in vacuum and the presence of intact breunnerite on Ryugu grains imply that Ryugu has not come closer to the Sun than Venus.
Young E. D.* Tang H. Tafla L.
The Size of Asteroid Ryugu's Parent Body Based on Probabilities of Aqueous Alteration [#2161]
We use a statistical analysis of aqueous alteration resembling that found in Ryugu return samples to constrain the size of the Ryugu parent body.
Oba Y.* Koga T. Takano Y. Ogawa N. O. Ohkouchi N. et al.
Search for Primordial Nitrogen-Heterocycles of Astrochemical Interest in the Aqueous Extracts from the Asteroid (162173) Ryugu and Orgueil CI-Meteorite [#1177]
We will report the detection of uracil, one of the RNA nucleobases, in the samples recovered from the asteroid (162173) Ryugu.
Bejach L.* Mathurin J. Engrand C. Duprat J. Dartois E. et al.
Nanoscale Comparison Between Organic Matter and Minerals of Ryugu Samples, CI-Like Antarctic Micrometeorites (AMMs), Aqueously Altered Meteorites and UCAMMs: A Probe to Study the Asteroid-Comet Continuum [#2349]
Ryugu samples’ organic matter and minerals compared at the nanoscale by AFM-IR with Flensburg and Orgueil (CIs), Winchcombe (CM2.1), CI-like AMMs, and UCAMMs.
Parker E. T.* McLain H. L. Chou L. Li X. Lin H. et al.
A Search for Extraterrestrial Peptides in Meteorites [#2820]
We searched for extraterrestrial peptides in Murchison and Allende. Two possible peptides were observed, but additional work is needed to identify these species.
Santos E.* Huang Y. Alexandre M. R. Heck P. R. Connolly H. C. et al.
Analyses of Molecular and Compound-Specific C and H Isotopic Ratios of Step-Wise Thermally Desorbed Volatile Organic Compounds and Pyrolysates from Murchison and Aguas Zarcas Using the Frontier Lab Device [#2417]
Objective of this study is to find out the minimum sample mass required for measurements of compounds in Murchison by thermal desorption-pyrolysis GCs-MS/-IRMS.
Huang Y.* Santos E. Alexandre M. R. Heck P. R. Connolly H. C. et al.
Analyses of Molecular and Compound-Specific C, N, and H Isotopic Ratios of Volatile Amines in Murchison Using Headspace Solid-Phase Microextraction On-Fiber Derivatization [#2383]
The objective of this study is to demonstrate the efficacy of using SPME on-fiber derivatization to analyze volatile amines in Murchison on GC-MS and GC-IRMS.
Gemma M. E.* Shirley K. A. Glotch T. D. Ebel D. S.
Contribution of Metal Content to the VNIR Spectral Character of Ordinary Chondrite Meteorites [#3000]
Account for metal / When looking at silicates / In V-N-I-R.
Brennecka G. A.* Render J. Shollenberger Q. R. Kruijer T. S. Wimpenny J. et al.
More Science with Less: A Workflow to Measure Isotopic Compositions of 16+ Elements in 500mg of Chondritic Material [#1202]
All the stuff to do / When Bennu lands with the goods / Where? When? Isotopes.
Koren O. L.* Glotch T. D. Varatharaja I. Flores L.
Link Between Near-Field and Far-Field Infrared Spectral Features [#2785]
This study addresses the challenges in comparing near-field nano-IR and far-field spectra and aims to find the link between the two for sample return analysis.
Hoover C. G.* Ryan A. J. Sánchez P. Biele J. Ballouz R.-L. et al.
A Comprehensive Nano- and Micro-Mechanical Testing Plan for Bennu Sample Return [#2878]
Review of preliminary results of indentation testing on analog materials for Bennu sample return and plans for compression and cohesion testing.
Wargnier A.* Gautier T. Doressoundiram A. Beck P. Poch O. et al.
Development of Phobos Spectral Analogs and Evaluation of Organics Detectability [#1433]
We developed a Phobos analog that reproduces its red and featureless spectrum. We searched the limit of detection for organic compounds in Phobos simulants.
