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Poster Session: Icy Moon Interiors and Activity

Thursday, March 16, 2023, 6:30 PM
Town Center Exhibit Hall

Green A. P.* Elder C. M. Bland M. T. Tackley P. J.
Modeling Present-Day Melt Production and Eruption in Europa's Silicate Mantle [#1154]
Considering more robust melt extraction treatments leads to meaningful differences in the occurence of seafloor volcanism for Europa’s interior.
Pou L.* Panning M. P.
Tidal Deep Quakes in the Silicate Interior of Europa [#1578]
Based on the observations of deep moonquakes by the Apollo seismometers, we study the likelihood of similar tidally driven deep quakes in Europa.
Menten S. M.* Sori M. M. Johnson B. C.
On the Possibility of Arc Volcanism on Europa from Subduction [#2830]
Under certain conditions, we find that arc volcanism and melt from subduction is possible on Europa.
Korycansky D. G.*
Modeling of Post-Impact Melt Infiltration and Freezing on Galilean Satellites [#1226]
I develop equations and show results for modeling the infiltration and freezing of post-impact subsurface melt at impact sites on icy satellites.
Caussi M. L.* Dombard A. J.
An Analysis of Galileo Data for Line-of-Sight Gravity Anomalies on Europa [#1743]
Gravity’s soft pull / Guides the search for this moon’s fire / Cloaked in icy veils.
Zaharias M. C.* Mahieux A. Goldstein D. B. Varghese P. L. Trafton L. M.
Simulation of Hydrogen in the Conduits of Enceladus [#2688]
Examining the source of the hydrogen on Enceladus detected by the Cassini spacecraft in 2015 by modeling the conduits beneath the visible tiger stripes.
Denton C. A.* Rhoden A. R. Ferguson S. N.
Using the Herschel Impact Basin to Track the Evolution of an Ocean Within Mimas [#2027]
Return to Mimas / Blow up the Death Star (moon) and / Find hidden oceans.
Nathan E.* Huber C. Head J.
Compressibility and Freezing Rate Control Fracture Frequency in Ocean Worlds [#1761]
A frozen ocean / Longing for a softer heart / Shatters more swiftly.
Downey B. G.* Nimmo F. Bills B.
An Observational Constraint on Titan's Tidal Dissipation [#2982]
A satellite’s spin state holds clues to its interior properties. The observed spin orientations of the Moon and Titan can be used to estimate their values for k2/Q.
Pamerleau I. F.* Sori M. M. Johnson B. C.
Convection in Callisto's Ice Shell: Implications for Differentiation [#1647]
A new, rigid ice rheology in Callisto’s ice shell suggests that a nearly pure ice shell is needed to allow convection, suggesting ice melted during formation.
Gyalay S.* Nimmo F.
That's No Ocean Moon: Effects of Transient Obliquity Tidal Heating in Mimas' Warm Icy Interior Preserved as a Cold Fossil Figure [#2503]
High tilt warmed Mimas / Shell carved by deep, flowing ice / No ocean beneath.
Castillo-Rogez J. C.* Courville S. W. Melwani Daswani M. Diab J. Weber J. M.
Geophysical Implications of Carbon Cycling in Ocean Worlds [#1779]
Let us not forget / Carbon compounds are plenty / They mess up heating.
Courville S. W.* Castillo-Rogez J. C. Melwani Daswani M. Gloesener E. Choukroun M. et al.
Timing and Abundance of Clathrate Formation Within Outer Solar System Bodies [#1867]
We model clathrate formation within Pluto from accreted cometary ices and rocky core metamorphism. Our results apply to other outer solar system objects, too.
Tucker W. S.* Dombard A. J.
Topographic Support in Icy Shells of Ocean Worlds: Investigating Wavelength Dependence of Airy Isostasy [#1262]
Ice shells, like cushions / Diffuse some of the stresses / Can wide loads push through?
