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Poster Session: Icy Moon Geology and Composition

Thursday, March 16, 2023, 6:30 PM
Town Center Exhibit Hall

Rodriguez S.* Es-sayeh M. Rannou P. Coutelier M. Maltagliati L. et al.
A New Description of Titan’s Aerosol Optical Properties from the Analysis of VIMS Emission Phase Function Observations [#1905]
Here we present the analysis of the EPF observation performed by VIMS during the Cassini Titan flyby T88 in terms of aerosol optical properties.
Wakita S.* Johnson B. C. Soderblom J. M. Steckloff J. K. Shah J. et al.
Impacts into Methane Clathrate as a Source for Titan's Atmospheric Methane [#1038]
Impact simulations on a warm methane clathrate crust showed that the released methane can replenish Titan’s atmospheric methane.
Williams D. A.* Malaska M. J. Lopes R. M. C. Schoenfeld A. M. Birch S. P. D.
First USGS Global Geologic Map of Titan: Draft for Submission [#1164]
This presentation shows the new 1:20,000,000-scale global geologic map of Saturn’s moon Titan, derived from NASA Cassini mission data, to be submitted to USGS.
Radebaugh J.* Wright M. Rose D. Christiansen E. H. Barnes J. W. et al.
The Dunes of Titan: A Global Tracing Compendium Reveals Lengths, Orientations and Controls [#2557]
Like a Zen garden / Titan dunes encircle globe / Patterns reveal winds.
Malaska M. J.* Schoenfeld A. M. Lopes R. M. C. Williams D. A. Le Gall A. et al.
Titan's Landscapes Explained: Smothered, Covered, and Thin [#2766]
Titan’s strange surface / Speaking sediment stories / Are you in or out?
Bohacek E. V.* Bahia R. S. Braat L. Boazman S. Sefton-Nash E. et al.
Modelling Aeolian-Fluvial Interactions on Titan [#1196]
Titan experiences ongoning fluvial and aeolian activity. We model the interactions between them.
MacKenzie S. M.* Barnes J. W. Miller W. J. Soderblom J. M.
Removing the Adjacency Effect from IR Spectra of Titan Lakes [#1641]
Where is Titan’s ethane? / Bright shorelines may help obscure / Its presence in lakes.
Beddingfield C. B.* Cartwright R. J. Ferguson S. N. Leonard E. J.
Investigating Tethys’ Heat Flux History by Analyzing Ithaca Chasma Flexure [#1278]
We investigated how Tethys’ heat fluxes varied spatially and temporally. We focused on the region where Ithaca overprints Telemus to compare two time periods.
Martin E. S.* Patthoff D. A. Kirchoff M. R.
Progress on 1:5M Global Geologic Map of Saturn's Moon Dione [#1691]
Ocean worlds evolve / Dione as endmember / Global SIM progress.
Patthoff D. A.* Phillips C. B. Bland M. T. Hoppa G. V.
What Happened on Enceladus Between Voyager and Cassini? [#2345]
Stubborn Saturn moon / No new cracks or craters seen / Begin deeper search .
Kinczyk M. J.* Byrne P. K. Craft K. L.
So Stressed Out! Characterizing the Stress State of Enceladus's Impact Craters Using 3D Finite Element Modeling [#1546]
3D structural modeling of Enceladus’ ice shell suggests craters are larger stress concentrations under a flexural model compared to uniaxial extension.
Noviello J. L.* Singer K. N. Desch S.
Spatial Clustering of Charon's Craters as a Means to Constrain Cryovolcanism — CANCELED [#1125]
A single story / Of icy flows and impacts? / Charon’s past is weird!
Martin E. S.* Patthoff D. A. Bland M. T. Collins G. C.
The Complete Geologic Map of Neptune's Moon Triton at a 1:5M Scale [#1725]
It’s a new map with / Cantaloupe, lacus, and fans / Triton is still weird.
Mills M. M.* Pappalardo R. T. Panning M. P. Leonard E. J. Howell S.
Moonquake-Triggered Mass Wasting Processes on Icy Worlds [#1313]
Lonely icy moons / Stretch and shake with seismic force / Smoothed and shaped by slides.
Menten S. M.* Sori M. M. Bramson A. M. Cartwright R. J. Nordheim T. A.
Volatile Transport on Ariel and Implications for a Radiolytic Origin of Carbon Dioxide [#2065]
Uranus moons show spectral evidence of carbon dioxide ice. We show the carbon dioxide distribution on Ariel may be consistent with active radiolytic production.
