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Poster Session: Field and Laboratory Studies in Comparison to Mars Mineralogy and Geochemistry

Thursday, March 16, 2023, 6:30 PM
Town Center Exhibit Hall

Levy J. S.* King I. C. Naylor S. Kuang L. Subak T.
Foerder A. B.* Englert P. Koeberl C. Bishop J. L. Gibson E. K.
Accounting for Salt Dilution in the Chemical Index of Alteration: Applications to Don Juan Basin, Antarctica, and Mars [#2418]
A modification to the Chemical Index of Alteration to account for salt dilution. Applications to Don Juan Basin, Antarctica, and possibly Mars.
Foerder A. B.* Englert P. Koeberl C. Bishop J. L. Gibson E. K.
A Gradient of Chemical Alteration in Don Juan Basin, Antarctica and Applications to Mars [#2368]
The investigation of chemical alteration signatures as a way to infer the historical extent of Don Juan Pond, with potential martian analog applications.
Burton Z. F. M.* Bishop J. L. Koeberl C. Englert P. A. J.
Rare Earth Element Enrichment in a Clayey Sediment Layer Developed at an Antarctic Brine Pond: Implications for Mars and Planetary Resources [#1216]
Rare earth concentrations, critical for high-tech applications. We analyze Mars-like Antarctic sediments, to find mechanisms for elevated rare earth elements.
Sutter B.* Lybrand R. L. Ming D. W. Achilles C. N. McAdam A. C. et al.
Carbon Limited Soils of Iceland: Analogs for Identifying Carbon-Mineral Interactions in Gale Crater, Mars Surface Materials [#2458]
Carbon-limited basaltic soils of Iceland were evaluated as analogs to understanding organic-C/mineral-geochemical associations in martian surface materials.
Garcia-Ledezma F. D.* Bedford C. C. Tu V. Rampe E. Thorpe M. et al.
Investigating Physical and Chemical Weathering of Fluvial and Aeolian Sediments in Mars-Analog Environments Using Close-up Image Analysis [#2439]
We used close-up rover images to identify changes in mineralogy associated with volcanic and sedimentary processes in Mars-analog environments in Iceland.
Rampe E. B.* Rutledge A. M. Bennett K. A. Edgar L. A. Edwards C. S. et al.
Mineralogical Signatures of Mars-Analog Eskers in Iceland [#1568]
We examine whether there are mineralogical characteristics of eskers that can help distinguish them from other sedimentary features on Mars.
Ruso S. F.* Grau Galofre A. Osinski G. R.
Comparative Study of Subglacial Channels on Devon Island, Nunavut, Canada, and Channels in Vedra Valles, Mars [#2183]
Channels in Vedra Valles are morphologically similar to subglacial channels on Devon Island formed by meltwater drainage under a cold to polythermal ice sheet.
Odenheimer A.* Doran P. Schmidt B. E. Bowman J. S. Som S. et al.
Oxygen Concentration and Composition of Mars Analog Acidic Saline Environments in Western Australia [#2854]
Our main goals were to characterize the chemical and physical parameters of every field site visited in Western Australia.
Truss K. M.* McHenry L. J. Kodikara G. R. L.
Identifying Authigenic Mineral Phases in East-African Lake Cores: A Proxy for Martian Conditions [#1318]
SEM and XRD results from East African lake cores suggest important environmental indicators on Mars may be missed at resolution available with current tools.
Slank R. A.* Filiberto J. Eggers G. L. Crandall J. R. Tu V.
Crandall J. R.* Filiberto J. Potter-McIntyre S. L. Schwenzer S. P. Rimmer S. M.
Feldman A. D.* Hausrath E. M. Rampe E. B. Sharp T. Tschauner O. et al.
Cold Conditions Promote Mg and Si Incorporation in Fe/Si-Rich and Al-Poor X-Ray Amorphous Material in Mars-Relevant Field Environments [#2456]
A TEM/µXRD examination of X-ray amorphous material heterogeneity within ultramafic soils indicate colder conditions correlate with incorporation of Mg and Si.
Lewinski M. G.* Specht J. Pentrak M. P. Jakubek R. S. Peretyazhko T. S. et al.
Alteration of Nontronite Clay Minerals in Complex Acidic Environments [#2665]
Combined field and lab experiments revealed distinctive changes in clay minerals’ behavior in acidic systems.
Das D.* Gasda P. J. Berlo K. Leveille R. J. Nellessen M. A. et al.
Estimating Past Fluid pH and Evaporative Conditions in Gale Crater, Using Terrestrial Analog Evaporites and Clays [#2451]
Sour, bitter flavors / In the soup of Gale crater / Ended up in salts.
Haney N. C.* Morris R. V. Jakubek R. S. Graff T. G. Lapen T. J. et al.
Effects of Mars Analogue Dust Deposition on DUV Raman Spectra: Implications for the Mars2020 Perserverance Rover SHERLOC Instrument [#1027]
Effects of Mars analogue dust deposition on substrates using DUV Raman analysis with implications for the Mars2020 Perserverance Rover SHERLOC Instrument.
Breitenfeld L. B.* Dyar M. D. Glotch T. D. Rogers A. D. Eleazer M.
Quantification of Mineral Abundances in Mixture Using Raman Spectroscopy: Applicability to Mars Rover Measurements [#1777]
We present two methods for quantifying mineral abundances in mixture using Raman spectroscopy. This work is applicable to Mars rover measurements.
Baker C. G.* Elwood Madden M. E.
Evaporation and Deliquescence Rates of Mars Analog Sediment-Brine Mixtures [#2039]
Investigating the potential effects of sediment-brine interactions on evaporation and deliquescence rates to better understand the behavior of brines on Mars.
Mitra K.* Bahl Y. Rivera Banuchi V. B. Catalano J. G. Hurowitz J. A.
Experimental Oxidation of Pyrite, Pyrrhotite, Magnetite, and Smectite by Chlorate and Bromate: Oxyhalogen Species as Active Oxidant on Mars [#1105]
Oxidative weathering of ferrous minerals (pyrite, pyrrhotite, magnetite, and smectite) with chlorate and bromate in Mars-relevant fluids using lab experiments.
Hopkins R. J.* Rogers A. D. Ehm L.
Experimentation to Study the Formation of Amorphous Calcium Sulfate in an Environment Analogous to Mars [#2277]
The nature of Amorphous Ca-sulfate found on Mars is unknown, thus experiments studying the formation of this sulfate in a Mars-analog environment are critical.
Adcock C. T.* Hausrath E. M. Rampe E. B. Steinberg S. M.
Hydrogen Production from Sulfide Minerals as a Potential Resource on Mars [#1756]
Hydrogen generation from the Mars-relevant sulfide minerals troilite and pyrite during low-energy, low-temperature, water/rock interactions, as a martian ISRU.
Dimitracopoulos F. D.* Newsom H. E. Gasda P. J. Meslin P. Y. Cerrato J. M. et al.
Laboratory Analyses for Adsorption Experiments of Phosphoric Acid Species and Phosphate Rock Standards for P Characterization on Mars by ChemCam [#2323]
Phosphorus adsorption experiments on oxides for ChemCam calibration to understand phosphorus aqueous behavior.
Nellessen M. A.* Gasda P. J. Newsom H. E. Tutolo B. Crossey L. J. et al.
Transmission Electron Microscopy Analysis of Amorphous and Microcrystalline Silicate Martian Analogs to Better Understand Martian Amorphous Materials [#2588]
TEM analysis of amorphous and microcrystalline analog materials to better understand the implications of the amorphous-crystalline transition in Gale crater.
Rivera Banuchi V B.* Gong J. Hurowitz J A. Bosak T.
Experimental Ultraviolet (UV) Photooxidation of Ferrous Iron and Carbonate Bearing Solutions as an Analog for Sunlit Water Bodies on Early Mars [#2566]
UV photooxidation of Fe(II) in high DIC content solutions was examined to assess the efficiency of this reaction within early Mars surface aqueous environments.
Vakkada Ramachandran A.* Chevrier V. F.
Priestley A. M. Pearce G. C. Schröder C.*
Akaganeite Absorbs Less UV Than Other Iron Oxides — Implications for the Preservation of Organic Matter on Mars and Applications of Regolith Simulant JSC MARS-1A [#2328]
Akaganeite occurs on Mars. Our measurements show that it absorbs less UV than other iron oxides and that JSC MARS-1A contains is rich in akaganeite.
VanBommel S. J.* Knight A. L. Hurowitz J. A. Lanza N. L. Ollila A. M.
Laboratory Measurements of Surface Layers and Coatings with PIXL [#1215]
Lab analyses with a PIXL-like instrument to benefit interrogations of coatings on Mars by Perseverance.
Hao Y. X. Qiu Y. H. Kong X. R.* Chen L. X. D. Li J. et al.
Isotopic and Chemical Characterization of Saline Lake and Playa Salts: Implication for Climate on Earth and Mars [#1621]
The isotopic, chemical, and hygroscopicity of martian analogue salts are measured and discussed in the context of climate on Earth and Mars.
