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Poster Session: Field and Laboratory Studies in Comparison to Mars Mineralogy and Geochemistry
Thursday, March 16, 2023, 6:30 PM
Town Center Exhibit Hall
Levy J. S.*
King I. C.
Naylor S.
Kuang L.
Subak T.
Past and Present Soil Moisture Conditions in Antarctic RSL-Analog Soils: Measuring Aqueous Processes with Hyperspectral VNIR Remote Sensing, Microwave Radiometry, and Soil Geochemistry
Looking for soil brines / Flowing now or in the past / Subsurface and up.
Looking for soil brines / Flowing now or in the past / Subsurface and up.
Foerder A. B.*
Englert P.
Koeberl C.
Bishop J. L.
Gibson E. K.
Accounting for Salt Dilution in the Chemical Index of Alteration: Applications to Don Juan Basin, Antarctica, and Mars
A modification to the Chemical Index of Alteration to account for salt dilution. Applications to Don Juan Basin, Antarctica, and possibly Mars.
A modification to the Chemical Index of Alteration to account for salt dilution. Applications to Don Juan Basin, Antarctica, and possibly Mars.
Foerder A. B.*
Englert P.
Koeberl C.
Bishop J. L.
Gibson E. K.
A Gradient of Chemical Alteration in Don Juan Basin, Antarctica and Applications to Mars
The investigation of chemical alteration signatures as a way to infer the historical extent of Don Juan Pond, with potential martian analog applications.
The investigation of chemical alteration signatures as a way to infer the historical extent of Don Juan Pond, with potential martian analog applications.
Burton Z. F. M.*
Bishop J. L.
Koeberl C.
Englert P. A. J.
Rare Earth Element Enrichment in a Clayey Sediment Layer Developed at an Antarctic Brine Pond: Implications for Mars and Planetary Resources
Rare earth concentrations, critical for high-tech applications. We analyze Mars-like Antarctic sediments, to find mechanisms for elevated rare earth elements.
Rare earth concentrations, critical for high-tech applications. We analyze Mars-like Antarctic sediments, to find mechanisms for elevated rare earth elements.
Sutter B.*
Lybrand R. L.
Ming D. W.
Achilles C. N.
McAdam A. C.
et al.
Carbon Limited Soils of Iceland: Analogs for Identifying Carbon-Mineral Interactions in Gale Crater, Mars Surface Materials
Carbon-limited basaltic soils of Iceland were evaluated as analogs to understanding organic-C/mineral-geochemical associations in martian surface materials.
Carbon-limited basaltic soils of Iceland were evaluated as analogs to understanding organic-C/mineral-geochemical associations in martian surface materials.
Garcia-Ledezma F. D.*
Bedford C. C.
Tu V.
Rampe E.
Thorpe M.
et al.
Investigating Physical and Chemical Weathering of Fluvial and Aeolian Sediments in Mars-Analog Environments Using Close-up Image Analysis
We used close-up rover images to identify changes in mineralogy associated with volcanic and sedimentary processes in Mars-analog environments in Iceland.
We used close-up rover images to identify changes in mineralogy associated with volcanic and sedimentary processes in Mars-analog environments in Iceland.
Rampe E. B.*
Rutledge A. M.
Bennett K. A.
Edgar L. A.
Edwards C. S.
et al.
Mineralogical Signatures of Mars-Analog Eskers in Iceland
We examine whether there are mineralogical characteristics of eskers that can help distinguish them from other sedimentary features on Mars.
We examine whether there are mineralogical characteristics of eskers that can help distinguish them from other sedimentary features on Mars.
Ruso S. F.*
Grau Galofre A.
Osinski G. R.
Comparative Study of Subglacial Channels on Devon Island, Nunavut, Canada, and Channels in Vedra Valles, Mars
Channels in Vedra Valles are morphologically similar to subglacial channels on Devon Island formed by meltwater drainage under a cold to polythermal ice sheet.
Channels in Vedra Valles are morphologically similar to subglacial channels on Devon Island formed by meltwater drainage under a cold to polythermal ice sheet.
Odenheimer A.*
Doran P.
Schmidt B. E.
Bowman J. S.
Som S.
et al.
Oxygen Concentration and Composition of Mars Analog Acidic Saline Environments in Western Australia
Our main goals were to characterize the chemical and physical parameters of every field site visited in Western Australia.
Our main goals were to characterize the chemical and physical parameters of every field site visited in Western Australia.
Truss K. M.*
McHenry L. J.
Kodikara G. R. L.
Identifying Authigenic Mineral Phases in East-African Lake Cores: A Proxy for Martian Conditions
SEM and XRD results from East African lake cores suggest important environmental indicators on Mars may be missed at resolution available with current tools.
SEM and XRD results from East African lake cores suggest important environmental indicators on Mars may be missed at resolution available with current tools.
Slank R. A.*
Filiberto J.
Eggers G. L.
Crandall J. R.
Tu V.
Exploration of a Magma-Sediment Hydrothermal System on Earth: Constraints on the Habitability Potential of Martian Noachian Hydrothermal Systems
Mafic dike spectra / Compared to near dike and Mars / How alike are they?
Mafic dike spectra / Compared to near dike and Mars / How alike are they?
Crandall J. R.*
Filiberto J.
Potter-McIntyre S. L.
Schwenzer S. P.
Rimmer S. M.
Magma-Sediment Interaction Induced Alteration Mineralogy on Mars: Detectability and Analytical Method Comparison Using the Curtis Sandstone as a Terrestrial Analog
Clays tell a story / Water magma and rock mix / Analog for Mars?
Clays tell a story / Water magma and rock mix / Analog for Mars?
Feldman A. D.*
Hausrath E. M.
Rampe E. B.
Sharp T.
Tschauner O.
et al.
Cold Conditions Promote Mg and Si Incorporation in Fe/Si-Rich and Al-Poor X-Ray Amorphous Material in Mars-Relevant Field Environments
A TEM/µXRD examination of X-ray amorphous material heterogeneity within ultramafic soils indicate colder conditions correlate with incorporation of Mg and Si.
A TEM/µXRD examination of X-ray amorphous material heterogeneity within ultramafic soils indicate colder conditions correlate with incorporation of Mg and Si.
Lewinski M. G.*
Specht J.
Pentrak M. P.
Jakubek R. S.
Peretyazhko T. S.
et al.
Alteration of Nontronite Clay Minerals in Complex Acidic Environments
Combined field and lab experiments revealed distinctive changes in clay minerals’ behavior in acidic systems.
Combined field and lab experiments revealed distinctive changes in clay minerals’ behavior in acidic systems.
Das D.*
Gasda P. J.
Berlo K.
Leveille R. J.
Nellessen M. A.
et al.
Estimating Past Fluid pH and Evaporative Conditions in Gale Crater, Using Terrestrial Analog Evaporites and Clays
Sour, bitter flavors / In the soup of Gale crater / Ended up in salts.
Sour, bitter flavors / In the soup of Gale crater / Ended up in salts.
Haney N. C.*
Morris R. V.
Jakubek R. S.
Graff T. G.
Lapen T. J.
et al.
Effects of Mars Analogue Dust Deposition on DUV Raman Spectra: Implications for the Mars2020 Perserverance Rover SHERLOC Instrument
Effects of Mars analogue dust deposition on substrates using DUV Raman analysis with implications for the Mars2020 Perserverance Rover SHERLOC Instrument.
Effects of Mars analogue dust deposition on substrates using DUV Raman analysis with implications for the Mars2020 Perserverance Rover SHERLOC Instrument.
Breitenfeld L. B.*
Dyar M. D.
Glotch T. D.
Rogers A. D.
Eleazer M.
Quantification of Mineral Abundances in Mixture Using Raman Spectroscopy: Applicability to Mars Rover Measurements
We present two methods for quantifying mineral abundances in mixture using Raman spectroscopy. This work is applicable to Mars rover measurements.
We present two methods for quantifying mineral abundances in mixture using Raman spectroscopy. This work is applicable to Mars rover measurements.
Baker C. G.*
Elwood Madden M. E.
Evaporation and Deliquescence Rates of Mars Analog Sediment-Brine Mixtures
Investigating the potential effects of sediment-brine interactions on evaporation and deliquescence rates to better understand the behavior of brines on Mars.
Investigating the potential effects of sediment-brine interactions on evaporation and deliquescence rates to better understand the behavior of brines on Mars.
Mitra K.*
Bahl Y.
Rivera Banuchi V. B.
Catalano J. G.
Hurowitz J. A.
Experimental Oxidation of Pyrite, Pyrrhotite, Magnetite, and Smectite by Chlorate and Bromate: Oxyhalogen Species as Active Oxidant on Mars
Oxidative weathering of ferrous minerals (pyrite, pyrrhotite, magnetite, and smectite) with chlorate and bromate in Mars-relevant fluids using lab experiments.
Oxidative weathering of ferrous minerals (pyrite, pyrrhotite, magnetite, and smectite) with chlorate and bromate in Mars-relevant fluids using lab experiments.
Hopkins R. J.*
Rogers A. D.
Ehm L.
Experimentation to Study the Formation of Amorphous Calcium Sulfate in an Environment Analogous to Mars
The nature of Amorphous Ca-sulfate found on Mars is unknown, thus experiments studying the formation of this sulfate in a Mars-analog environment are critical.
The nature of Amorphous Ca-sulfate found on Mars is unknown, thus experiments studying the formation of this sulfate in a Mars-analog environment are critical.
Adcock C. T.*
Hausrath E. M.
Rampe E. B.
Steinberg S. M.
Hydrogen Production from Sulfide Minerals as a Potential Resource on Mars
Hydrogen generation from the Mars-relevant sulfide minerals troilite and pyrite during low-energy, low-temperature, water/rock interactions, as a martian ISRU.
Hydrogen generation from the Mars-relevant sulfide minerals troilite and pyrite during low-energy, low-temperature, water/rock interactions, as a martian ISRU.
Dimitracopoulos F. D.*
Newsom H. E.
Gasda P. J.
Meslin P. Y.
Cerrato J. M.
et al.
Laboratory Analyses for Adsorption Experiments of Phosphoric Acid Species and Phosphate Rock Standards for P Characterization on Mars by ChemCam
Phosphorus adsorption experiments on oxides for ChemCam calibration to understand phosphorus aqueous behavior.
Phosphorus adsorption experiments on oxides for ChemCam calibration to understand phosphorus aqueous behavior.
Nellessen M. A.*
Gasda P. J.
Newsom H. E.
Tutolo B.
Crossey L. J.
et al.
Transmission Electron Microscopy Analysis of Amorphous and Microcrystalline Silicate Martian Analogs to Better Understand Martian Amorphous Materials
TEM analysis of amorphous and microcrystalline analog materials to better understand the implications of the amorphous-crystalline transition in Gale crater.
TEM analysis of amorphous and microcrystalline analog materials to better understand the implications of the amorphous-crystalline transition in Gale crater.
Rivera Banuchi V B.*
Gong J.
Hurowitz J A.
Bosak T.
Experimental Ultraviolet (UV) Photooxidation of Ferrous Iron and Carbonate Bearing Solutions as an Analog for Sunlit Water Bodies on Early Mars
UV photooxidation of Fe(II) in high DIC content solutions was examined to assess the efficiency of this reaction within early Mars surface aqueous environments.
UV photooxidation of Fe(II) in high DIC content solutions was examined to assess the efficiency of this reaction within early Mars surface aqueous environments.
Vakkada Ramachandran A.*
Chevrier V. F.
Near Infrared Spectroscopy of Clathrasils: Implications for detections on the surface of Mars
Near-infrared spectroscopy to study clathrasils.
Near-infrared spectroscopy to study clathrasils.
Priestley A. M.
Pearce G.
C. Schröder C.*
Akaganeite Absorbs Less UV Than Other Iron Oxides — Implications for the Preservation of Organic Matter on Mars and Applications of Regolith Simulant JSC MARS-1A
Akaganeite occurs on Mars. Our measurements show that it absorbs less UV than other iron oxides and that JSC MARS-1A contains is rich in akaganeite.
Akaganeite occurs on Mars. Our measurements show that it absorbs less UV than other iron oxides and that JSC MARS-1A contains is rich in akaganeite.
VanBommel S. J.*
Knight A. L.
Hurowitz J. A.
Lanza N. L.
Ollila A. M.
Laboratory Measurements of Surface Layers and Coatings with PIXL
Lab analyses with a PIXL-like instrument to benefit interrogations of coatings on Mars by Perseverance.
Lab analyses with a PIXL-like instrument to benefit interrogations of coatings on Mars by Perseverance.
Hao Y. X.
Qiu Y. H.
Kong X. R.*
Chen L. X. D.
Li J.
et al.
Isotopic and Chemical Characterization of Saline Lake and Playa Salts: Implication for Climate on Earth and Mars
The isotopic, chemical, and hygroscopicity of martian analogue salts are measured and discussed in the context of climate on Earth and Mars.
The isotopic, chemical, and hygroscopicity of martian analogue salts are measured and discussed in the context of climate on Earth and Mars.