Program with Links to Abstracts

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Chemistry of Icy Moons and Kuiper Belt Objects

Thursday, March 16, 2023, 2:15 PM
Montgomery Ballroom

Michael Malaska
Jacob Buffo
Elodie Gloesener
2:15 PM
Session Introduction
2:20 PM
Fox-Powell M. G.* Wolfenbarger N. S. Buffo J. J. Semprich J. Ramkissoon N. K.
Modelling Possible Chemical Evolution Pathways During Freezing of Europa’s Ice Shell [#2777]
What ocean flavors / Explain Europa’s ice salts / Our model explores.
2:30 PM
Hamp R. E.* Siggs D. Batty C. Schwenzer S. P. Olsson-Francis K. et al.
Simulating Water-Rock Reactions on the Ocean Floor of Enceladus [#1074]
We have used a novel Enceladus simulant and an ocean fluid to experimentally simulate the water-rock interactions occurring on the ocean floor of Enceladus.
2:40 PM
Spiers E. M.* Schmidt B. E.
Quantifying Oxidant Delivery to Europa’s Ocean via Basal Melt [#2987]
Oxidants from top / Exit the ice through melting / Quantified with heat.
2:50 PM
Hayes T. W.* Li S.
The Anomalous Dichotomy in the 1.65 μm Water Ice Feature Between Europa’s Leading and Trailing Hemispheres [#1901]
We explore the anomalous strength and distribution of the 1.65-μm water ice feature in Europa NIMS data using Hapke intimate mixture modeling.
3:00 PM
Panel Q&A
3:20 PM
Journaux B.* Pakhomova A. Collings I.  E. Petitgirard S. Boffa Balaran T. et al.
Sodium Chloride Hyrates with High Hydration Numbers, Stable at Icy Ocean World Surface and Interior Conditions [#2839]
Table salt at low T / Water gathered around it / Hides on moon surfaces.
3:30 PM
Lesage E.* Howell S. M. Naseem M. Miller J. W. Villette J. et al.
Chemical Composition of Erupted Brines on Europa [#1864]
We numerically model the coupled chemical evolution and pressurization of freezing brines in Europa’s ice shell to predict the composition of erupted cryolava.
3:40 PM
Fifer L. M.* Toner J. D. Catling D. C.
Gas Loss from Enceladus' Ocean Due to Long-Term Plume Eruption [#1740]
Enceladus’ erupting plumes indicate that the ocean may be gas-rich, with a comet-like composition. But there is a missing methane problem — where did it go?
3:50 PM
Neveu M.* Aspin A. Yang Z. Naseem M.
Experimental Investigation of the Fate of Molecular Biosignatures in Ocean World Plumes: Liquid-Vacuum Transition [#1674]
Conduits below / Change fluid compositions / How much? Let’s find out!
4:00 PM
Panel Q&A
4:20 PM
Miller K. E.* Foustoukos D. I. Cody G. D. Alexander C. M. O'D.
Experimental Volatile Production from Complex Organics at Titan Interior Conditions [#2638]
Cook syn-IOM / Temp’rature drives gas products / Pressure matters too.
4:30 PM
Hanley J.* Engle A. Thieberger C. Tan S. Grundy W. et al.
The Stability of Trace Species in the Liquids of Titan [#1849]
Alkanes and N2 / Do ices form on Titan? / Propane must be cold.
4:40 PM
Yu X.* Yu Y. Garver J. Zhang X.
The Fate of Simple Organics on Titan's Surface [#2993]
The fate of organics / On Titan / Wet and dry.
4:50 PM
Emran A.* Dalle Ore C. M. Mastrapa R. Bertrand T. Cook J. C. et al.
Investigations of the Origins of Pluto’s Surface Dark Materials: Compositional Mapping of Cthulhu Macula and Sputnik Planitia [#2918]
We present new spectral maps of the surface composition of the eastern part of Cthulhu Macula and Sputnik Planitia on Pluto.
5:00 PM
Panel Q&A
5:20 PM
Session Closure
