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Dwarf Planets and Icy Moons: Interior, Composition, and Geology

Thursday, March 16, 2023, 8:20 AM
Montgomery Ballroom

Mike Bland
Kelly Miller
Samuel Courville
8:20 AM
Session Introduction
8:25 AM
Ren J.* Hesse M. A. Melwani Daswani M.
Permeability Limited Compaction of Ceres' Rocky Core [#1803]
With consideration of Darcy’s flow, compaction of Ceres’ core is also limited by permeability, resulting a porous core at the final stage.
8:35 AM
Pamerleau I. F.* Sori M. M. Scully J. E. C.
An Ice-Rich Crust with Unrelaxed Craters on Ceres Reflects an Ancient Frozen Ocean [#1359]
A top-down frozen ocean on Ceres yields an ice-rich crust that explains crater relaxation and morphology and matches gravity inversions and thermal models.
8:45 AM
Reynoso L. R.* Robinson K. J. Root R. A. Williams L. B. Castillo-Rogez J. et al.
Positive Glycine Incorporation in Ceres Analogue Minerals [#1321]
Europa, Enceladus, Ceres Brines Laboratory Studies Glycine in salt confirmed!
8:55 AM
Rizos J. L.* Sunshine J. M. Farnham T. L. Kloos J. Daly R. T. et al.
Unusual Subsurface Deposits Exposed at the Yalode-Urvara Basins on Ceres [#1656]
We report unusual subsurface deposits exposed at the Yalode-Urvara basin, compatible with the presence of carbonates, which may also contain organics.
9:05 AM
Panel Q&A
9:25 AM
Sizemore H. G.* Crown D. A. Scully J. E. C. Berman D. C. Neesemann A. et al.
High-Resolution Geologic Mapping of Urvara Crater, Ceres: Unit Definitions, Crater Densities and Feature Correlations [#2629]
We detail the process of geocontact mapping in the interior of Urvara Crater, Ceres, and evaluate the possible cryovolcanic origin of crater floor materials.
9:35 AM
Bickham D. A.* Schenk P. M.
Geologic Mapping of Smooth Plains on Dione: Insights into Resurfacing Processes on Icy Bodies [#2930]
Geologic mapping of Dione to determine origin of resurfaced plains and to better understand geologic processes on icy bodies as a whole.
9:45 AM
Beddingfield C. B.* Cartwright R. J.
Uranus’ Moon Miranda Exhibits a Thick Regolith from an Unknown Source [#1274]
We investigated Miranda’s “muted” craters and scarps and found that they are consistent with a thick mantling regolith from an unknown source.
9:55 AM
Strom C. A.* Nordheim T. A. Patthoff D. A.
Constraining Ocean and Ice Shell Thickness on Miranda from Surface Geological Structures and Stress Modeling [#1207]
Miranda’s unusual surface geology may be the result of a subsurface ocean ~25 km thick based on the results of this study.
10:05 AM
Panel Q&A
10:25 AM
Parekh R.* Pappalardo R. Scully J. E. C. Cameron M. E.
Small-Scale Mass Movements on Europa, Callisto and Ganymede [#1876]
In this study, I identified and report various small-scale mass movements on the surface of Europa, Callisto and Ganymede in order to understand the surface regolith dynamics.
10:35 AM
White O. L.* Singer K. N. Williams D. A. Moore J. M. Lopes R. M. C.
Is True Polar Wander Recorded in Pluto's Ancient Geology? [#1286]
The configuration of geological units in the oldest terrains of Pluto may record an orientation of Pluto’s spin axis that is different from its current one.
10:45 AM
Mishra I.* Buratti B. J. Dhingra R.
How Widespread are the Bladed Terrains on Pluto? [#1787]
We are comparing the photometric properties of the bladed terrains on Pluto with the poorly imaged regions that have been hypothesized to be similar.
10:55 AM
Denton C. A.* Gosselin G. J. Freed A. M. Johnson B. C.
The Formation and Evolution of the Sputnik Basin, Pluto, Prior to Nitrogen Ice Fill [#1076]
We simulate Sputnik Planitia, Pluto’s largest impact basin, from formation through cooling and relaxation prior to loading of the basin with nitrogen ice.
11:05 AM
Panel Q&A
11:25 AM
Session Closure
