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Poster Session: Workforce Development and Education: Programs and Tools to Build the Future Planetary Community

Wednesday, March 15, 2023, 6:30 PM

Schaefer D.* Kroll M. Gobler D. Hemmick L. Nelson J. et al.
Using Planetary Sciences for Early Engagement and Development of the Next Generation of STEM Professionals [#2521]
Strong careers in science are built on a foundation of early engagement, authentic research, mentorship from scientists and collaboration with peers.
Horváth Z.* Kárpáti Sz. Hudoba Gy. Ságodi I. Bérczi Sz. et al.
Experiments in the “Hunveyor on the Testyard” Planetary Science Education Program: HUSAR-18 Rover Measures the Soil Moisture [#2411]
Experiments on test terrain with specific soil mosaic fields, with differences in soil to retain moisture, or with differences in porosity for drying out.
Summer T. J.* White V. Hurst A. Kruse B. Shore L. et al.
Eclipse Ambassadors: Using Equitable, Intergenerational Partnerships to Bring the Solar Eclipses to Diverse Communities [#2343]
Learn about the NASA grant, Eclipse Ambassadors Off the Paths, which will connect amateur astronomers and undergraduate students to share the solar eclipses.
Hargitai H.* Kárpáti Sz. Gucsik A. Gede M. Bérczi Sz.
Creation and Testing of Activities in the Outreach Atlas of Mars [#1923]
We have created an outreach atlas of Mars, with planetary science related activities and tested them in age specific focus groups.
Sundin M. I.*
Magical Maps of Venus — Teaching the Geography of Venus [#2241]
A few maps of Venus done with an unexpected level of creativity by students are presented. Use of maps as teaching tools in astronomy education is discussed.
Willcocks F. M.* Mitchell J. T. Stephen N. R.
Real Science in Real Time; How Microscopy LIVE! Has Introduced Planetary Science to a Non-Specialist Audience [#1950]
We introduce a new online initiative — Microscopy LIVE! — that has successfully introduced planetary science to the general public.
Hargitai H.* Borel A. Csippán P. Bodor P. Hammer F. et al.
SETI at Classroom: The Story of Humanity Told with Geological and Archeological Objects [#1938]
Within SETI frameworks we have designed an experiment that helps discuss empathy, tolerance, or (shared) perception and is based on geological objects.
Burt D. M.*
Lunar and Planetary Astrophotography Without a Telescope: The Super-Zoom Camera Method [#1225]
Amazingly detailed lunar and planetary images can be obtained using a modern super-zoom camera and a tripod, utilizing the self-timer. No telescope needed!
Burt D. M.*
Using Screen Capture to Make an LPSC Poster Starting from a PowerPoint Slide Show [#1224]
Preparing an LPSC poster from a preexisting PowerPoint slide show offers advantages and can be done by using screen capture and an image-processing program.
