Program with Links to Abstracts
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Poster Session: Workforce Development and Education: Programs and Tools to Build the Future Planetary Community
Wednesday, March 15, 2023, 6:30 PM
Schaefer D.*
Kroll M.
Gobler D.
Hemmick L.
Nelson J.
et al.
Using Planetary Sciences for Early Engagement and Development of the Next Generation of STEM Professionals
Strong careers in science are built on a foundation of early engagement, authentic research, mentorship from scientists and collaboration with peers.
Strong careers in science are built on a foundation of early engagement, authentic research, mentorship from scientists and collaboration with peers.
Horváth Z.*
Kárpáti Sz.
Hudoba Gy.
Ságodi I.
Bérczi Sz.
et al.
Experiments in the “Hunveyor on the Testyard” Planetary Science Education Program: HUSAR-18 Rover Measures the Soil Moisture
Experiments on test terrain with specific soil mosaic fields, with differences in soil to retain moisture, or with differences in porosity for drying out.
Experiments on test terrain with specific soil mosaic fields, with differences in soil to retain moisture, or with differences in porosity for drying out.
Summer T. J.*
White V.
Hurst A.
Kruse B.
Shore L.
et al.
Eclipse Ambassadors: Using Equitable, Intergenerational Partnerships to Bring the Solar Eclipses to Diverse Communities
Learn about the NASA grant, Eclipse Ambassadors Off the Paths, which will connect amateur astronomers and undergraduate students to share the solar eclipses.
Learn about the NASA grant, Eclipse Ambassadors Off the Paths, which will connect amateur astronomers and undergraduate students to share the solar eclipses.
Hargitai H.*
Kárpáti Sz.
Gucsik A.
Gede M.
Bérczi Sz.
Creation and Testing of Activities in the Outreach Atlas of Mars
We have created an outreach atlas of Mars, with planetary science related activities and tested them in age specific focus groups.
We have created an outreach atlas of Mars, with planetary science related activities and tested them in age specific focus groups.
Sundin M. I.*
Magical Maps of Venus — Teaching the Geography of Venus
A few maps of Venus done with an unexpected level of creativity by students are presented. Use of maps as teaching tools in astronomy education is discussed.
A few maps of Venus done with an unexpected level of creativity by students are presented. Use of maps as teaching tools in astronomy education is discussed.
Willcocks F. M.*
Mitchell J. T.
Stephen N. R.
Real Science in Real Time; How Microscopy LIVE! Has Introduced Planetary Science to a Non-Specialist Audience
We introduce a new online initiative — Microscopy LIVE! — that has successfully introduced planetary science to the general public.
We introduce a new online initiative — Microscopy LIVE! — that has successfully introduced planetary science to the general public.
Hargitai H.*
Borel A.
Csippán P.
Bodor P.
Hammer F.
et al.
SETI at Classroom: The Story of Humanity Told with Geological and Archeological Objects
Within SETI frameworks we have designed an experiment that helps discuss empathy, tolerance, or (shared) perception and is based on geological objects.
Within SETI frameworks we have designed an experiment that helps discuss empathy, tolerance, or (shared) perception and is based on geological objects.
Burt D. M.*
Lunar and Planetary Astrophotography Without a Telescope: The Super-Zoom Camera Method
Amazingly detailed lunar and planetary images can be obtained using a modern super-zoom camera and a tripod, utilizing the self-timer. No telescope needed!
Amazingly detailed lunar and planetary images can be obtained using a modern super-zoom camera and a tripod, utilizing the self-timer. No telescope needed!
Burt D. M.*
Using Screen Capture to Make an LPSC Poster Starting from a PowerPoint Slide Show
Preparing an LPSC poster from a preexisting PowerPoint slide show offers advantages and can be done by using screen capture and an image-processing program.
Preparing an LPSC poster from a preexisting PowerPoint slide show offers advantages and can be done by using screen capture and an image-processing program.