Program with Links to Abstracts

Schedule Overview  
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PLENARY: Future Science: NASA's Early Career Award Winners

Wednesday, March 15, 2023, 1:00 PM
Waterway Ballrooms 4/5/6

Stephen Rinehart
Lisa Gaddis
1:00 PM
Session Introduction
1:05 PM
Kerber L.*
Improving Science/Engineering Communication [#2843]
This presentation describes activities supported by a NASA ECA grant in support of improved science/engineering collaboration at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
1:15 PM
Goudge T. A.* Bamber E. R. Coholich M. Fassett C. I. Morgan A. M. et al.
Impact Crater Lakes and Fluvial Valley Incision on Early Mars [#2747]
Impact craters on Mars / Intersect with watery scars / Filled up to their brims / And breached through their rims / Shaped water paths near and far.
1:25 PM
Palucis M. C.*
Estimating Landscape-Scale Water Budgets for Mars Analogs [#1247]
Terrestrial field sites with known climate histories allow for better constraints on the link between erosion and deposition processes, runoff, and climate.
1:35 PM
Lora J. M.* Battalio J. M.
The Influence of Orbital Forcing on the Distribution of Titan's Surface Liquids [#2513]
We investigate the influence of orbital forcing on the distribution of Titan’s surface methane using coupled climate simulations.
1:45 PM
Remsing R. C.* Thakur A. C. Longo H. W. Chakraborty P. Martin O.
Understanding Geochemistry on Titan's Surface with Molecular Modeling [#2325]
I will discuss our recent work using computational molecular modeling to understand geochemistry and driving forces for prebiotic chemistry on Titan.
1:55 PM
Session Closure
