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Poster Session: Planetary Mission Concepts: Inner Solar System

Tuesday, March 14, 2023, 6:30 PM
Town Center Exhibit Hall

Abell P. A.* Donitz B. P. S. Castillo-Rogez J. C. Bell J. F. Brown M. E. et al.
Rapid Response Missions to Near-Earth Objects, Interstellar Objects, and Long-Period Comets [#2280]
Rapid response missions enable missions to newly identified small body targets that would otherwise not be possible via regular mission development time-lines.
Soares C. E.* Hoey W. A. Shallcross G. S. Anderson J. R. Alred J. M. et al.
Plume-Surface Interactions and Contamination Effects for Missions to Earth's Moon, Mars and the Icy Moons [#1822]
Plume-surface interactions, characterization of plume phenomena and proactive development of mitigation strategies are critical to mission science objectives.
Parman S. W.* Mustard J. F. Pieters C. M. Kremer C. H. Green R. O. et al.
Mercury Scout: Mapping Mercury’s Mineralogy [#1607]
A SmallSat mission concept to map Mercury’s mineralogy using IMIR spectroscopy, and a solar sail as the propulsion.
Byrne P. K.* Cutts J. A. Baines K. H. Weinstein-Weiss S. S. Dorsky L. I. et al.
Phantom: An Aerobot Mission to the Skies of Venus [#3003]
Through the Venus skies / Floats a phantom, to find the / Key to Earth-like worlds.
Rothschild L. J.* Maurer C. Head J. W. Lipińska4 M. B. Senesky D. et al.
Mycotecture Off Planet: Fungi as a Building Material on the Moon and Mars [#2983]
We introduce the concept of structures such as habitats grown by fungal mycelial at destination such as the Moon and Mars. Here we report on progress to date.
Bell M. S.* Davis R. E. Regberg A. B. Roeschel J. Rucker M. A. et al.
ISS External Microorganisms: A Planetary Protection Payload Ready-for-Flight [#2576]
NASA has developed a tool kit for collecting samples from the exterior of the ISS during EVA to close planetary protection knowledge gaps for crewed missions.
