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Poster Session: Planetary Mission Concepts: The Moon

Tuesday, March 14, 2023, 6:30 PM
Town Center Exhibit Hall

Amato M.* Petro N. Baker C. Cohen B. Mazarico E. et al.
Lunar Exploration and Science Orbiter (LExSO) Mission: Building on the Legacy of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter in Support of Future Lunar Science and Surface Exploration [#1285]
The Lunar Exploration and Science Orbiter (LExSO) is a lunar orbit mission concept being developed to serve critical future lunar exploration and science measurement needs.
Kuhlmann L.* Foing B. H.
LunarDust Mission: A CubeSat Mission to the NRHO to Measure the Lunar Dust Concentration [#1367]
The abstract describes a mission concept for a 6U CubeSat that will go to NRHO to measure lunar dust concentrations, paving the way for the Lunar Gateway.
Mittal P.* Pandey H. Gunasekhar P. John L. J. Sangamesh K. R. et al.
End to End Automated Strategy Planning and Implementation for Chandrayaan-2 Quick Data Release to Public [#1919]
Newly designed automated data release strategy for Chandrayaan-2 enables the performance of archive checks for integrity and completeness with instantaneous data hosting.
Claxton J. L.* Sheeran J. A. Andersen V. Sobhani B. GLEE Team 
The Great Lunar Expedition for Everyone: Demonstrating Microsatellite Sensing Networks in Planetary Science [#2619]
GLEE is a NASA-funded lunar mission aiming to generate unique insights into planetary surface phenomena using a low-cost microsatellite network.
Bramson A. M.* Gorham P. W. Allison P. S. Andrew M. Z. Bailey S. H. et al.
CryptEx: A Mission Concept to Test the Presence, Properties, and Geophysical Context of Lunar Cryptomaria [#1797]
CryptEx, the Cryptomaria Explorer, is a mission concept that would ground-truth buried lava flows (“cryptomaria”) in the lunar subsurface at its landing site.
Becker T. M.* Stern S. A. Raut U. Poston M. J. Retherford K. D. et al.
Lunar Mist: Exploring Pyroclastic Deposits at J. Herschel Crater and Performing Active Water Experiments on the Moon to Resolve Lunar Hydration Debates [#1682]
Lunar Mist is a mission concept to explore J. Herschel crater to address questions about volcanic materials and constrain hydration on the surface of the Moon.
Bouffard S.* Gagnon S. Lemelin M. Newman J. Edmundson P. et al.
Development of a Geospatial Model to Identify Potential Landing Sites, Hibernation Site, and Traverses for Upcoming Robotic Missions [#2669]
This abstract presents the development of a geospatial method for planning a robotic mission to the Moon. This paper focuses on the lunar south pole.
van der Bogert C. H.* Flahaut J. Crawford I. Vincent-Bonnieu S.
Enabling Technologies for Achievement of Lunar Science Goals: A European Perspective [#1963]
European lunar scientists make recommendations for technology development required for achieving lunar science goals as a ESA SciSpace strategy white paper.
Hampl S. K.* Heng C. Goroshin S. Bergthorson J. Austen D. et al.
Conceptual Design of an ISRU Metal-LOX Lunar Propulsion System [#1033]
The presentation addresses various design aspects of a lunar regolith/LOX rocket engine that uses the byproducts of space mining processes as rocket fuel.
Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) * Exploration Sci Strat & Integr Office (ESSIO) 
Summary of the Contracted Deliveries of NASA Payloads to the Moon via Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) [#2952]
NASA’s CLPS initiative allows acquisition of delivery services to the Moon and is awarding task orders that will land at sites all across the lunar surface.
Putzig N. E.* Morgan G. A. Perry M. R. Courville S. W. Russell A. T. et al.
Lunar Investigation Using Selenophysics (LINUS) to Assess the Age of the Ina Irregular Mare Patch [#2946]
The LINUS mission concept combines active-source seismic, gravity, and magnetics methods with surface imaging to test formation theories of the Ina lunar irregular mare patch.
