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Poster Session: Mars Paleohydrology and Geomorphology

Tuesday, March 14, 2023, 6:30 PM
Town Center Exhibit Hall

Head J. W.* Fastook J. L. Wordsworth R. D.
Geological and Climate History of Mars: Identification of Potential Warm and Wet Climate 'False Positives' [#1731]
We outline an atmospheric evolution scenario with only modest decrease in P_atm and MAT; some geomorphic indicators of warm/wet climates may be “false positives.”
Hiatt E.* Shadab M. A. Hesse M. A.
Planetary Scale Groundwater and Surface Water Interaction on Early Mars [#2415]
We present constraints for non-linear coupling of early martian groundwater and a putative ocean using the Boussinesq approximation and mass conservation.
Archer B. R.*
Global Scale Martian Geomorphological Statistics Reveal an Integrated Noachian Hydrosphere [#1094]
Statistics derived from small [2–5]-km-diameter craters and VNs reveal an energetic integrated, dynamic Noachian hydrosphere, global water table, and no LNIH.
Braat L.* Brückner M. Z. M. Baar A. W. Lamb M. P. Sefton-Nash E.
Differences in Fluvial Geomorphology Between Earth and Mars [#1562]
This study investigates how fluvial sediment transport is different on Mars and how these differences affect fluvial geomorphology and stratigraphy.
Bahia R. S.* Chen H.
Martian Valley Networks and Their Lack of Headwater Catchment Areas [#1014]
Martian valley networks are evidence of ancient river flows on Mars. They are immature. We examine their topography to see if it limited their incision.
Archer B. R.*
Noachian Valley Network Densities Track Ancient ITCZ Fluvial Precipitation [#1005]
Martian VN density supports a “cool and moist” low latitude climate consistent with the existence of a Noachian Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ).
Luo W.* Howard A. D. Craddock R. A. Oliveira E. A. Pires R. S.
Global Spatial Distribution of Hack’s Law Exponent on Mars and Its Early Climate [#1540]
New algorithm used to delineate watersheds on Mars; Hack’s law exponent most similar to that of arid regions on Earth, implying early arid climate on Mars.
Bamber E. R.* Goudge T. A. Fassett C. I. Osinski G. R. Stucky de Quay G.
Factors Controlling Which Craters Developed Inlet Valleys on Early Mars [#1062]
Water trickling / Over crater rims, high, low? / How does it carve so?
Hesse M. A.* Shadab M. A. Hiatt E.
Timescales for Terminal Groundwater Drainage from the Southern Highlands on Mars [#1637]
We present a model for the terminal drainage of martian groundwater from the southern highlands and show that the time scale is a billion years.
Shadab M. A.* Hiatt E. Hesse M. A.
Investigating Groundwater Dynamics and Residence Times on Early Mars Using Unconfined Aquifer Model with Vertical Heterogeneity [#1736]
We develop an analytic model of a crustal aquifer with vertical heterogeneity on early Mars to study the groundwater dynamics and residence times.
Scheidt S. P.* Crown D. A. Berman D. C. Williams D. A. Bernhardt H.
Mapping Fluvial Systems on Martian Volcanoes: Investigations of Alba Mons and Amphitrites Patera [#2872]
We present and compare mapping from our investigation of Alba Mons fluvial networks and introduce a new mapping investigation on Amphitrites Patera, Mars.
Spurling R.* Gulick V. C. Naor R.
Crater-Based Surface Age Dating of the Osuga Valles Region, Mars [#2895]
Water flows / Asteroids go splat / Statistics!
Wilson M. M.* Milliken R. E.
Constraining Sources and Sinks of Hydrated Minerals in the Uzboi-Landon-Morava Outflow System, Mars [#2331]
Where did you come from / Where did you go, all that clay / From so long ago.
Dundas C. M.* Keszthelyi L. P. Williams K. E.
Modeling the Reach of Floods in Athabasca Valles, Mars [#2470]
Were rootless cones near the martian equator the result of a flood or atmospheric ice deposition? Flood models can help.
Baran Z. J.* Cardenas B. T.
Numerical Simulations of Lake Bonneville Shoreline Erosion at Mars-Like Rates and Durations [#2697]
Preserved Mars shorelines / The small erode away, but / The larger ones last.
Zhang T. F.* Wang L. Arzigul S. Xiao L. Huang J.
Evolution History of Mesas in the Southern Utopia Planitia and Implications for the Ancient Oceans on Mars [#1237]
We investigate the detailed morphological characteristics of the mesas on the lHl unit within the Utopia Planitia, and have an interesting insight.
Parker T. J.* Bills B. G.
The Mars Ocean Hypothesis: Objectives and Preliminary Results [#2963]
Mapped shorelines define nearly-planar surfaces averaged, but the local details show scatter of tens to hundreds of meters over distances of kilometers to tens of kilometers.
Soldano V. A.* McCoy S. W. Calvin W. M. Adams K. D.
Investigating Martian Deltas For Evidence of Paleoshorelines [#1376]
Using high-resolution images and digital elevation models to investigate martian deltas for horizontal bench structures that could indicate paleoshorelines.
Manogaran R.* Tubbs J. S. Bates A. Hughes E. B. Ruj T. et al.
Paleohydraulic Investigation of Martian Equatorial Inverted Channels in a Volatile-Enriched Geochemical Province [#2224]
Applying hydraulic geometry analyses to martian inverted channels to gain insight into the spatial variability of fluvial processes in the equatorial zone.
Moodie A. J.* Goudge T. A.
Fluvial Reworking Eliminates Small Craters, but does not Meaningfully Bias the Mars Interbedded-Crater Record [#1622]
Out with river flows / Smallest craters are half gone / Total counts okay.
Singh D.* Sinha R. K. Acharyya K.
Fluvio-Lacustrine Activity in a Chloride Rich Terrain and Its Astrobiological Implications [#1585]
We have carried out morphological and mineralogical analysis of a chloride-rich area on Mars. Initial evidences show that it may have hosted a lake in the past.
Huang R. I.* Gulick V. C.
Morphologic Analysis of Martian Gullies in Four High-Northern Latitude Craters [#1863]
We assess potential formation mechanisms for a selection of gullies using detailed morphology, and whether gully morphology can be influenced by local factors.
Ryan S.* McKeown L. E. Bourke M. C.
The Potential Role of Fine Dust in Martian Linear Gully Activity — CANCELED [#2358]
An investigation into the potential role of fine dust deposition on linear gully processes on Mars.
Mihira S.* Ruj T. Usui T.
Slope Streaks and Its Relationship to Hydrogen Abundances and Thermal Inertia on Mars: A Case of Medusae Fossae Formation [#2595]
The detailed distribution of slope streaks was mapped in the MFF and compared to the distribution of hydrogen. The relationship showed a negative correlation.
Stillman D. E.* Pettinelli E. Lauro S. E. Mattei E. Cosciotti B. et al.
Do Brines Exist Below the Martian South Polar Layered Deposits? [#1270]
Many new papers have been published on brines under the SPLD. Here we summarize and integrate our five most recent papers.
