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Poster Session: Lunar Impact Cratering: Processes and Products

Tuesday, March 14, 2023, 6:30 PM
Town Center Exhibit Hall

Miljkovic K.* Nemchin A. Norman M. Qian Y. Head J. W.
Formation and Transport of Chang’e-5 Impact Glass Beads [#1404]
Melt in early ejecta of <1 km craters as the formation mechanism for the Chang’e-5 lunar glass beads, leading to tentative identification of source craters.
Kusiak M. A.* Kovaleva E. Vanderliek D. Becker H. Wilke F. et al.
Shock Nanostructure in Lunar Zircon from Apollo 15 and Apollo 16: Implications for Geochronology. [#1505]
A wide range of shock-related features in zircon from lunar Apollo 15 and 16 have been observed. They show no correlation with relatively homogenous U-Pb ages.
Hood D. R.* James P. Lee J.
Compositional and Morphometric Exploration of Van de Graaff Crater on the Lunar Farside [#1658]
Two impacts, one after the next / Their craters, most likely, complex / The south has a mound / North’s cannot be found / Consider us thoroughly vexed.
Powers L.* Partee J. Martin-Wells K. S.
A Semi-Automated Data Pipeline for Characterizing Pre-Impact Topography Relevant to Lunar Ray Geometry [#2259]
What might cause these rays? / Pre-impact geometries? / Valleys are to blame.
Austin T. J.* Robinson M. S. Mahanti P.
Measuring Lunar Ejecta Thickness at Small Copernican Craters [#2571]
We estimate ejecta blanket thickness via excavation from subsequent, small impacts. Our results are inconsistent with most commonly used thickness equations.
Grindrod P. M.* Magnarini G.
42 Years of Impact Cratering at the Apollo 15 Landing Site [#1114]
Photos old and new / Forty-two years of changes / Hundreds of craters.
Robbins S. J.* Bierhaus E. Spencer J. R. Lauer T. R. Weaver H. et al.
Oetting A.* Hiesinger H. Schmedemann N. van der Bogert C. H.
Preliminary Refinement of the Lunar Production Function for Mare Areas [#1138]
We investigate the crater size-frequency distributions on Mare areas of the Moon, which will later be used to refine the lunar production function.
Fasset C. I.* Beyer R. A. Deutsch A. N. Hirabayashi M. Leight C. J. et al.
Lifetime of Small Lunar Craters and Saturation Equilibrium Constraints on the Scale Dependence of Diffusivity [#1570]
Small lunar craters / Are ephemeral landforms / With lives we infer.
Levin J. N.* Evans A. J. Andrews-Hanna J. Daubar I. J.
Bounding and Contextualizing Vertical Distribution of KREEP in the Moon's Upper Crust [#2144]
How thick is Moon’s KREEP? / Measure and model impacts / (It’s Imbrium’s fault).
Bjonnes E.* Johnson B. C. Andrews-Hanna J. C. Garrick-Bethell I. Kiefer W. S. et al.
Excavation of Apollo Samples 76535 and 78235 During the Formation of the Serenitatis Basin: Implications for the Formation Age of the Basin [#2699]
Two samples alike in dignity / In Serenitatis where we lay our scene / From ancient separation break to late collection / Where civil grains make civil strains unseen.
Blevins A. M.* Minton D. A. Huang Y. H. Du J. Tremblay M. M.
Modeling the Effects of Post-Imbrium Craters on the Apollo Landing Site Locations [#2812]
Relatively small / But not without some effect / Imbrian craters.
Gargano A. M.* Cano E. J. Ziegler K. Sharp Z. Shearer C. K. et al.
The Effects of Impact Processing on the Stable Isotope Composition of the Moon [#2407]
We present triple oxygen isotope data to provide a better understanding of the extent to which lunar volatiles could be derived from impactors.
Meng Y.* Ding M. Zhu M.-H. Xu L. Y.
Stratigraphical Sequences of Schrödinger Basin on the Moon [#1874]
We estimate the stratigraphic sequence of different geologic units in the Schrödinger basin, ranging from plains and volcanic deposits to grabens.
Hoover R. H.* Robbins S. J. Hynek B. M.
Preliminary Results of Morphometric Measurements for Lunar Craters with Diameters 1-25 Km [#2408]
Craters on the Moon / Do you know how deep they are? / Okay, I’ll tell you.
Robbins G.* Patterson G. W. Dyar D. Ostrach L.
Characterizing Volcanic and Impact Materials in Lunar Craters [#2528]
We examine lunar craters in order to create a list of characteristics unique to specific fill types. This is to allow for easy classification.
Gagnon S.* Lemelin M. Neish C. Diotte F.
Localisation and Study of Impact Melts in the South Polar Region of the Moon [#2655]
NASA identified the sampling of impact melts as a priority for Artemis III. Here, we mapped south polar impact melts and extracted their mineral composition.
Fairweather J. H.* Lagain A. Servis K. Benedix G. K.
Lunar Surface Model Age Derivation: Comparing Automatic and Human Crater Counting Across LRO-NAC and Kaguya TC Images [#1234]
We use a crater detection algorithm (CDA) to derive and compare model ages from previously manually investigated surfaces (from young impact ejecta to mare).
Martin A. C.* Denevi B. W. Speyerer E. J. Boyd A. K. Brown H. M. et al.
Comparison of Small Fresh Craters Imaged Under Primary and Secondary Illumination with the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera [#2743]
Understanding how secondary illumination affects the appearance of albedo contrasts to aid in the interpretation of PSR images from LROC and KPLO ShadowCam.
Walsh J. M.* Bailey A. M. Boyd A. K. Bernhardt H. Wagner R. V. et al.
Preliminary South Pole-Aitken Basin Ring Reconstruction Using Massifs [#1684]
Reconstructing the full extent of the SPA ring structures from massifs (i.e., Moon mountains), crustal thickness, and Bouguer gravity anomalies.
Citron R. I.* Hood L. L. Stewart S. T.
Iron-Rich Ejecta Distribution from Lunar Basin Impacts: Relationship to Lunar Crustal Magnetism [#1692]
We examine if the concentration and distribution of lunar crustal magnetism can be explained by iron-rich ejecta from basin-forming projectiles.
Wang X.* Head J. W. Pieters C. M. Potter R. W. K. Chen Y. et al.
Compositional Diversity and Stratigraphic Characteristics of Apollo Basin [#2533]
A comprehensive analysis about the composition and stratigraphy of the Apollo basin is conducted and deap-seated materials was found exposed on the surface.
Wang X.* Head J. W. Chen Y. Qian Y. Liu J. et al.
Revisiting the Origin of Central South Pole-Aitken Basin Compositional Anomaly (SPACA) and the Enigmatic Mafic Mound (Mons Marguerite) [#2547]
Mafic Mound could be an old crater highly modified and filled by large volumes of crater ejecta and we also reassess the cryptomaria origin of SPACA.
