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Poster Session: Lunar Mineralogy and Petrology
Tuesday, March 14, 2023, 6:30 PM
Town Center Exhibit Hall
Roy A.*
Mallik A.
Bremner P. M.
Haviland H. F.
Diamond M.
et al.
The Significance of Partition Coefficients of Heat Producing Elements in the Lunar Interior for Determining the Present-Day Selenotherm
Exploring the contribution of heat-producing elements (U, Th, K) in the lunar interior and their control on the present-day temperature profile or selenotherm.
Exploring the contribution of heat-producing elements (U, Th, K) in the lunar interior and their control on the present-day temperature profile or selenotherm.
Scholpp J. L.*
Dygert N.
Super- and Subsolidus Experiments Exploring Interactions Between Ilmenite-Bearing Cumulates and Ambient Lunar Mantle During Cumulate Overturn: Mantle Hybridization and Garnet Stability
An experimental investigation of the chemical reactions that occur during lunar cumulate overturn and hybridization processes.
An experimental investigation of the chemical reactions that occur during lunar cumulate overturn and hybridization processes.
Treiman A. H.*
Semprich J.
Lunar Mantle Dunite in Meteorite Northwest Africa (NWA) 11421: Mantle Composition, Mixing, and Thermal Structure
Green rock was white hot / Normal on a P-T plot / Below the white rock.
Green rock was white hot / Normal on a P-T plot / Below the white rock.
Day J. M. D.*
Neal C. R.
Implications of Impact Melt Compositions for a Late Bombardment ‘Cataclysm’ to the Moon — CANCELED
~3.9 Ga lunar impactites have both distinct target and impactor compositions, consistent with a late bombardment cataclysm to the Moon.
~3.9 Ga lunar impactites have both distinct target and impactor compositions, consistent with a late bombardment cataclysm to the Moon.
Gawronska A. J.*
McLeod C. L.
New Insights into Magma Storage and Ascent on the Moon: An Integrated Textural, Mineralogical, and Geochemical Study of Apollo 11 High Potassium Basalts
We examined a unique suite of lunar basalts to evaluate their petrogenetic history in detail at the crystal scale.
We examined a unique suite of lunar basalts to evaluate their petrogenetic history in detail at the crystal scale.
Astudillo Manosalva D. F.*
Elardo S. M.
Late-Stage Phases and Textures as New Leads for Studying the Origin of the Mg-Suite and the Nature of Kreep from Apollo 17 Samples
We describe a K-Rb-rich glass phase in multiple Mg-suite samples of Apollo 17 and its potential role in the evolution of the Mg-suite.
We describe a K-Rb-rich glass phase in multiple Mg-suite samples of Apollo 17 and its potential role in the evolution of the Mg-suite.
First E. C.*
Rutherford M. J.
Welsch B. T.
Apollo 17 Orange Glass Magma: Olivine Reveals Complex Magmatic History
A17 orange glass magma contains olivine with Mg, P, Ti, and Cr zoning, suggesting a more complex crystallization history than the rapid ascent paradigm implies.
A17 orange glass magma contains olivine with Mg, P, Ti, and Cr zoning, suggesting a more complex crystallization history than the rapid ascent paradigm implies.
Stockstill-Cahill K. R.*
Cahill J. T. S.
Hibbitts C. A.
Waller D. C.
Retherford K. D.
Ultraviolet Characterization of Plagioclase Series Samples as Analogs for the Lunar Surface
Bring me anorthite! / It shines oh so bright in Vis / What about UV?
Bring me anorthite! / It shines oh so bright in Vis / What about UV?
Kruijer T. S.*
Borg L. E.
Cassata W. S.
Wimpenny J.
Brennecka G. A.
et al.
Chronology of Alkali Anorthosite Clast "b" Records Imbrium Impact at ~3.95 Ga
New Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, and Ar-Ar chronometry of alkali anorthosite 14304 clast “b” yields concordant ~3.95 ages that likely record the Imbrium basin-forming event.
New Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, and Ar-Ar chronometry of alkali anorthosite 14304 clast “b” yields concordant ~3.95 ages that likely record the Imbrium basin-forming event.
Jung J.*
Tikoo S. M.
Burns D. H.
Channa S.
Are There Iron Oxides in Lunar Basalts?
We performed electron microprobe analyses and rock magnetic experiments on Apollo mare basalts to investigate the presence of iron oxides.
We performed electron microprobe analyses and rock magnetic experiments on Apollo mare basalts to investigate the presence of iron oxides.
Righter K.*
Schutt J.
Satterwhite C.
Pando K.
Corrigan C.
et al.
The Dominion Range (DOM) Lunar Regolith Breccia Pairing Group
Eight new lunar meteorites from the Dominion Range present new opportunities for lunar studies.
Eight new lunar meteorites from the Dominion Range present new opportunities for lunar studies.
Valenciano J. L.*
Haupt C. P.
Neal C. R.
Klemme S.
Ilmenite Crystal Size Distributions of Experimental Charges Based on Chang’e 5 Sample CE-5 B1
Crystal size distribution profiles of experimental charges can potentially be used to quantify approximate cooling rates for lunar samples.
Crystal size distribution profiles of experimental charges can potentially be used to quantify approximate cooling rates for lunar samples.
Galien L. E.*
Neal C. R.
Using Plagioclase Crystal Size Distributions to Quantify Cooling Rates
Plagioclase crystal size distributions were constructed for five experimental charges of Chang’E 5 B1 basalt composition, cooled at a known rate.
Plagioclase crystal size distributions were constructed for five experimental charges of Chang’E 5 B1 basalt composition, cooled at a known rate.
Jia B.*
Fa W.
Provenance and Evolution of Regolith at the Chang’E-5 Landing Site
We analyze the provenance and evolution of regolith at the Chang’E-5 landing site based on multi-source remote sensing data and ejecta deposition models.
We analyze the provenance and evolution of regolith at the Chang’E-5 landing site based on multi-source remote sensing data and ejecta deposition models.
Russell S. S.*
Almeida N. V.
Salge T.
Brownscombe W.
Broderick C.
et al.
Northwest Africa 11444: A Lunar Breccia with a High Abundance of Impact-Derived Metal and a Search for PGE Alloy Micronuggets
We describe the metal-bearing lunar breccia NWA 11444. It may be paired to the Algerian megafind but the clasts are so diverse it is hard to say.
We describe the metal-bearing lunar breccia NWA 11444. It may be paired to the Algerian megafind but the clasts are so diverse it is hard to say.
DeSoto E.*
Loocke M. P.
McLeod C.
Shaulis B.
Characterization of Spinels and Associated Clasts in Lunar Fragmental Breccia Northwest Africa 14577
A melt-rock reaction or metasomatic origin of Northwest Africa 14577 could be inferred from the characterization of its spinels and associated clasts.
A melt-rock reaction or metasomatic origin of Northwest Africa 14577 could be inferred from the characterization of its spinels and associated clasts.
Aarthy R. S.*
Chalk Hills Dunite Compared to Lunar (72415) Dunite
Lunar analogue terrestrial dunite.
Lunar analogue terrestrial dunite.
Srivastava Y.*
Basu Sarbadhikari A.
Day J. M. D.
Yamaguchi A.
Mineralogical and Petrological Investigation of Lunar Meteorite Regolith
Breccia: Y-981031, Y-983885 and Y-86032.
Mineralogical and petrological investigation of regolith breccias (Y-981031, Y-983885, and Y-86032) highlights compositional diversity in the lunar crust.
Mineralogical and petrological investigation of regolith breccias (Y-981031, Y-983885, and Y-86032) highlights compositional diversity in the lunar crust.
Gawronska A. J.*
Chamroontaneskul A.
Hughes M. R.
McLeod C. L.
Statistical Analysis of Apollo Basalt Whole Rock Compositions Reveals Four Compositionally Distinct Lava Groups
We applied principal component analysis and cluster analysis to statistically evaluate compositional similarities/differences in the Apollo lunar basalt suite.
We applied principal component analysis and cluster analysis to statistically evaluate compositional similarities/differences in the Apollo lunar basalt suite.
Meaux S.*
Loocke M. P.
DeSoto E.
McLeod C.
Shaulis B.
Characterization of Lunar Feldspathic Breccia Hassi Touil 001
Hassi Touil 001 is a lunar feldspathic breccia found in November 2020 that contains spinels in a range of compositions not common in lunar lithologies.
Hassi Touil 001 is a lunar feldspathic breccia found in November 2020 that contains spinels in a range of compositions not common in lunar lithologies.
Roy A.*
Mallik A.
Barnes J. J.
Moitra P.
Allmeyer A. J.
urKREEP Origin of Enigmatic Silicic Lunar Magmas
The lunar silicic suites have a debated origin; we present a partial melting model of the shallow mantle urKREEP to explain the genesis of these exotic magmas.
The lunar silicic suites have a debated origin; we present a partial melting model of the shallow mantle urKREEP to explain the genesis of these exotic magmas.
Renggli C. J.*
Steenstra E.
Saal A. E.
Sulfur on the Moon — A Sample Inventory
We present an inventory of all S concentrations and δ34S isotopic compositions measured in lunar samples over the past 50 years.
We present an inventory of all S concentrations and δ34S isotopic compositions measured in lunar samples over the past 50 years.
Allibert L.*
Schwinger S.
Bernt I.
Wiesehöfer T.
Haupt C.
et al.
Modeling the Trace Element Composition of the Moon's Secondary Crust
We present a strong multidisciplinary framework developed to interpret the Moon secondary crust composition in rare Earth elements.
We present a strong multidisciplinary framework developed to interpret the Moon secondary crust composition in rare Earth elements.
Fu H.*
Jacobsen S. B.
Testing the Earth-Moon Synestia with Trace Elements
The bulk Moon’s chemical composition (Earth-like) constrained by this study strongly supports the Earth-Moon system forming within a terrestrial synestia.
The bulk Moon’s chemical composition (Earth-like) constrained by this study strongly supports the Earth-Moon system forming within a terrestrial synestia.
Le Mouélic S.*
Macquet L.
Schmitt H. H.
Mangold N.
Caravaca G.
et al.
3D Reconstruction of Lunar Rock Samples from the Apollo 17 Mission
We present a 3D reconstruction of lunar boulders and rocks samples derived from Apollo 17 and laboratory photos, and their integration into virtual reality.
We present a 3D reconstruction of lunar boulders and rocks samples derived from Apollo 17 and laboratory photos, and their integration into virtual reality.
Longo A. Z.*
Mills R. D.
Isotopic Evidence for Impact-Driven Lunar Mantle Overturn
We present the most comprehensive dataset of lunar Rb/Sr and Sm/Nd data to date. These data demonstrate that lunar mantle overturn was driven by the SPA impact.
We present the most comprehensive dataset of lunar Rb/Sr and Sm/Nd data to date. These data demonstrate that lunar mantle overturn was driven by the SPA impact.
Norman M. D.*
Nemchin A. A.
Liu D.
Jolliff B.
Zeigler R. A.
et al.
4.32 Billion Year Old Impact Melts at Apollo 14: Dating the Procellarum Basin?
Zr-rich minerals in Apollo 14 rocklets date an impact at 4.32 Ga. Compositions and ages inform the timing of impacts and composition of the lunar crust.
Zr-rich minerals in Apollo 14 rocklets date an impact at 4.32 Ga. Compositions and ages inform the timing of impacts and composition of the lunar crust.