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Poster Session: Lunar Mineralogy and Petrology

Tuesday, March 14, 2023, 6:30 PM
Town Center Exhibit Hall

Roy A.* Mallik A. Bremner P. M. Haviland H. F. Diamond M. et al.
The Significance of Partition Coefficients of Heat Producing Elements in the Lunar Interior for Determining the Present-Day Selenotherm [#2696]
Exploring the contribution of heat-producing elements (U, Th, K) in the lunar interior and their control on the present-day temperature profile or selenotherm.
Scholpp J. L.* Dygert N.
Super- and Subsolidus Experiments Exploring Interactions Between Ilmenite-Bearing Cumulates and Ambient Lunar Mantle During Cumulate Overturn: Mantle Hybridization and Garnet Stability [#1563]
An experimental investigation of the chemical reactions that occur during lunar cumulate overturn and hybridization processes.
Treiman A. H.* Semprich J.
Lunar Mantle Dunite in Meteorite Northwest Africa (NWA) 11421: Mantle Composition, Mixing, and Thermal Structure [#1075]
Green rock was white hot / Normal on a P-T plot / Below the white rock.
Day J. M. D.* Neal C. R.
Implications of Impact Melt Compositions for a Late Bombardment ‘Cataclysm’ to the Moon — CANCELED [#1068]
~3.9 Ga lunar impactites have both distinct target and impactor compositions, consistent with a late bombardment cataclysm to the Moon.
Gawronska A. J.* McLeod C. L.
New Insights into Magma Storage and Ascent on the Moon: An Integrated Textural, Mineralogical, and Geochemical Study of Apollo 11 High Potassium Basalts [#2461]
We examined a unique suite of lunar basalts to evaluate their petrogenetic history in detail at the crystal scale.
Astudillo Manosalva D. F.* Elardo S. M.
Late-Stage Phases and Textures as New Leads for Studying the Origin of the Mg-Suite and the Nature of Kreep from Apollo 17 Samples [#2789]
We describe a K-Rb-rich glass phase in multiple Mg-suite samples of Apollo 17 and its potential role in the evolution of the Mg-suite.
First E. C.* Rutherford M. J. Welsch B. T.
Apollo 17 Orange Glass Magma: Olivine Reveals Complex Magmatic History [#2372]
A17 orange glass magma contains olivine with Mg, P, Ti, and Cr zoning, suggesting a more complex crystallization history than the rapid ascent paradigm implies.
Stockstill-Cahill K. R.* Cahill J. T. S. Hibbitts C. A. Waller D. C. Retherford K. D.
Ultraviolet Characterization of Plagioclase Series Samples as Analogs for the Lunar Surface [#2706]
Bring me anorthite! / It shines oh so bright in Vis / What about UV?
Kruijer T. S.* Borg L. E. Cassata W. S. Wimpenny J. Brennecka G. A. et al.
Chronology of Alkali Anorthosite Clast "b" Records Imbrium Impact at ~3.95 Ga [#1279]
New Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, and Ar-Ar chronometry of alkali anorthosite 14304 clast “b” yields concordant ~3.95 ages that likely record the Imbrium basin-forming event.
Jung J.* Tikoo S. M. Burns D. H. Channa S.
Are There Iron Oxides in Lunar Basalts? [#1815]
We performed electron microprobe analyses and rock magnetic experiments on Apollo mare basalts to investigate the presence of iron oxides.
Righter K.* Schutt J. Satterwhite C. Pando K. Corrigan C. et al.
The Dominion Range (DOM) Lunar Regolith Breccia Pairing Group [#2109]
Eight new lunar meteorites from the Dominion Range present new opportunities for lunar studies.
Valenciano J. L.* Haupt C. P. Neal C. R. Klemme S.
Ilmenite Crystal Size Distributions of Experimental Charges Based on Chang’e 5 Sample CE-5 B1 [#1026]
Crystal size distribution profiles of experimental charges can potentially be used to quantify approximate cooling rates for lunar samples.
Galien L. E.* Neal C. R.
Using Plagioclase Crystal Size Distributions to Quantify Cooling Rates [#2853]
Plagioclase crystal size distributions were constructed for five experimental charges of Chang’E 5 B1 basalt composition, cooled at a known rate.
Jia B.* Fa W.
Provenance and Evolution of Regolith at the Chang’E-5 Landing Site [#1190]
We analyze the provenance and evolution of regolith at the Chang’E-5 landing site based on multi-source remote sensing data and ejecta deposition models.
Russell S. S.* Almeida N. V. Salge T. Brownscombe W. Broderick C. et al.
Northwest Africa 11444: A Lunar Breccia with a High Abundance of Impact-Derived Metal and a Search for PGE Alloy Micronuggets [#2058]
We describe the metal-bearing lunar breccia NWA 11444. It may be paired to the Algerian megafind but the clasts are so diverse it is hard to say.
DeSoto E.* Loocke M. P. McLeod C. Shaulis B.
Characterization of Spinels and Associated Clasts in Lunar Fragmental Breccia Northwest Africa 14577 [#2656]
A melt-rock reaction or metasomatic origin of Northwest Africa 14577 could be inferred from the characterization of its spinels and associated clasts.
Aarthy R. S.*
Chalk Hills Dunite Compared to Lunar (72415) Dunite [#1099]
Lunar analogue terrestrial dunite.
Srivastava Y.* Basu Sarbadhikari A. Day J. M. D. Yamaguchi A.
Mineralogical and Petrological Investigation of Lunar Meteorite Regolith Breccia: Y-981031, Y-983885 and Y-86032. [#2111]
Mineralogical and petrological investigation of regolith breccias (Y-981031, Y-983885, and Y-86032) highlights compositional diversity in the lunar crust.
Gawronska A. J.* Chamroontaneskul A. Hughes M. R. McLeod C. L.
Statistical Analysis of Apollo Basalt Whole Rock Compositions Reveals Four Compositionally Distinct Lava Groups [#2509]
We applied principal component analysis and cluster analysis to statistically evaluate compositional similarities/differences in the Apollo lunar basalt suite.
Meaux S.* Loocke M. P. DeSoto E. McLeod C. Shaulis B.
Characterization of Lunar Feldspathic Breccia Hassi Touil 001 [#1759]
Hassi Touil 001 is a lunar feldspathic breccia found in November 2020 that contains spinels in a range of compositions not common in lunar lithologies.
Roy A.* Mallik A. Barnes J. J. Moitra P. Allmeyer A. J.
urKREEP Origin of Enigmatic Silicic Lunar Magmas [#2751]
The lunar silicic suites have a debated origin; we present a partial melting model of the shallow mantle urKREEP to explain the genesis of these exotic magmas.
Renggli C. J.* Steenstra E. Saal A. E.
Sulfur on the Moon — A Sample Inventory [#1064]
We present an inventory of all S concentrations and δ34S isotopic compositions measured in lunar samples over the past 50 years.
Allibert L.* Schwinger S. Bernt I. Wiesehöfer T. Haupt C. et al.
Modeling the Trace Element Composition of the Moon's Secondary Crust [#2344]
We present a strong multidisciplinary framework developed to interpret the Moon secondary crust composition in rare Earth elements.
Fu H.* Jacobsen S. B.
Testing the Earth-Moon Synestia with Trace Elements [#2683]
The bulk Moon’s chemical composition (Earth-like) constrained by this study strongly supports the Earth-Moon system forming within a terrestrial synestia.
Le Mouélic S.* Macquet L. Schmitt H. H. Mangold N. Caravaca G. et al.
3D Reconstruction of Lunar Rock Samples from the Apollo 17 Mission [#1150]
We present a 3D reconstruction of lunar boulders and rocks samples derived from Apollo 17 and laboratory photos, and their integration into virtual reality.
Longo A. Z.* Mills R. D.
Isotopic Evidence for Impact-Driven Lunar Mantle Overturn [#2391]
We present the most comprehensive dataset of lunar Rb/Sr and Sm/Nd data to date. These data demonstrate that lunar mantle overturn was driven by the SPA impact.
Norman M. D.* Nemchin A. A. Liu D. Jolliff B. Zeigler R. A. et al.
4.32 Billion Year Old Impact Melts at Apollo 14: Dating the Procellarum Basin? [#1865]
Zr-rich minerals in Apollo 14 rocklets date an impact at 4.32 Ga. Compositions and ages inform the timing of impacts and composition of the lunar crust.
