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Poster Session: Astrobiology and Exobiology

Tuesday, March 14, 2023, 6:30 PM
Town Center Exhibit Hall

Sharma S.* Lee C. Malaska M. Fayolle E. Vu T. H. et al.
Detecting Pigments as Potential Biosignatures with Deep UV Raman Spectroscopy [#2666]
Biological pigments are complex organic molecules that may be useful biosignatures. We analyze carotenoid pigments with deep UV and visible Raman spectroscopy.
Kivrak L.* Halbert S. Williams A. J. Buch A. He Y. et al.
Gibbons E. F.* Léveillé R. J. Berlo K. Slater G.
Making and Maintaining Lipid Biosignatures in a Glaciovolcanic Setting [#2772]
We report the geology and organic geochemistry of a Mars-like glaciovolcanic site to better understand its habitability and biosignature preservation potential.
Javier B. M.* Perl S. M. Basu C. Fischer W. Celestian A. J.
Detection and Preservation of Extremophile Biosignatures in Lithium-Bearing Evaporites for Life Detection [#2825]
We aim to investigate the preservation potential for biosignatures and microbial communities in Li-dominated brine systems and Li-containing evaporites.
Teece B. L.* Baumgartner R. J. Barlow E. V. Pejcic B. Soares G. G. et al.
Looking for Syngenetic Biomolecules in Ancient Overmature Organic Matter: Implications for Organic Analysis on Mars [#1036]
Here, we discuss approaches to determining syngeneity of organic matter in ancient environments that are analogues to Mars.
Gant P. C.* Williams A. J. Floyd M. A. M. Emerson D.
Detecting a Novel Biosignature Using Modern Spaceflight Technology [#2957]
Discussion around a potential new class of biosignatures and how to detect them using current spaceflight technology.
Mattioda A. L.* Najeeb P. K. Ricketts C. L.
ICEE: Next Generation Exobiology and Astrobiology Studies [#3026]
Radiation studies of PAHs leading as “top-down” synthesis of organic formation.
Trowbridge A. J.* Marchi S. Osinski G. R.
Preliminary Modeling of the Impact-Induced Hydrothermal System at the Haughton Impact Structure [#1709]
We coupled iSALE and HYDROTHERM for the first time to model the full evolution of the impact-induced hydrothermal system at the Haughton impact structure.
Ortiz Quintana C.* Delgado Vega K. Olivieri Encarnación V. Agosto Reyes A. Cruz Vega E. et al.
The Mean Global Surface Temperature of Earth-like Planets [#1855]
We propose a model to estimate the mean global surface temperature of an Earth-like planet calibrated with Earth in the last 750 million years.
Cuevas-Quiñones S.* Wilkins O. H. Yocum K. M. Milam S. N.
Infrared Spectroscopy of the Photolysis and Sublimation of Acetonitrile (CH3CN) Ice with SubLIME [#2637]
FTIR spectroscopy was used by SubLIME to monitor the UV photolysis of CH3CN ice, preliminarily showing that photolysis temperature affects the chemistry.
Fox-Powell M. G.* Stephens B. Batty C. Gladding T. Olsson-Francis K.
Johnson P. V.* Parker C. W. Vu T. H. Kim T.
Preservation of Microbial Viability in Vitreous Magnesium Sulfate Hydrate: Implications for Europa [#1269]
We report experiments that compare the viability of microorganisms in vitreous and crystalline magnesium sulfate hydrates at 100 K.
Dzurilla K. A.* Weber J. M. LaRowe D. E. Goldman A. D. Henderson B. L. et al.
Abiotic Redox Reactions of Quinones Driven by Ocean World Relevant Minerals [#2362]
An investigation of FeS’s ability to facilitate the production of biologically important compounds.
Osborne S. D.* Molayousefi M. D. Moradi M. Chevrier V. F.
Assessment of Chao- Versus Kosmotropic Properties of Brine Solutions Through Their Effects on Protein Structure [#2636]
Review of chao- and kosmotropic responses in prokaryotic ubiquitin-like protein (Pup) in effort to more closely define regions of habitability for ocean worlds.
Plattner T. A. Sephus C. Schmidt B. E.* Bowman J. S. Doran P. et al.
Geochemistry of Acidic Saline Lakes in Western Australia [#2929]
This abstract describes our overall Oceans Across Space and Time (OAST) fieldwork to Western Australia.
Murphy A. E.* Sharma S. Razzell Hollis J. Steele A. Bhartia R. et al.
Deep UV Raman Spectroscopy of Organic Carbon: Implications for SHERLOC Observations on Mars [#2519]
Characterizing organic carbon in stromatolites using DUV and VIS Raman spectroscopy to provide different and complementary structural information.
Czaja A. D.* Zorzano M.-P. Kminek G. Meyer M. A. Beaty D. W. et al.
Outcomes of the Science Community Workshop on the Mars 2020 Mission First Sample Depot for the Mars Sample Return Campaign [#2523]
At the MSR Community Depot Workshop, it was agreed that the depot samples and those kept on the rover each constitute a scientifically return-worthy cache.
Ligeza G.* Bontognali T. R. R. Kuhn B. Josset J. L. Kuhn N. J.
Identification of Rock Textures and Morphological Biosignatures with Close-up Images — Towards CLUPI’s Operations During the ExoMars Mission [#1452]
Our research is focused on identifying optimal working conditions for CLUPI (a close-up imager on the ExoMars rover) to detect morphological biosignatures.
Westenberg M. R.* Rivera-Valentín E. G. Lynch K. L. Kring D. A.
Evaluating Boiling Curves and Their Implications for Impact-Generated Hydrothermal Systems on Mars [#1218]
Boiling curves were calculated for impact craters on Mars to identify potential regions of boiling and habitability in the resulting hydrothermal systems.
Cogliati S.* Macey M. C.
Identification of Inorganic Biosignatures in Simulated Gale Crater Aqueous Environment Studied Through Thermochemical Modelling [#1369]
We used thermochemical modeling to investigate mineralogical biosignatures in a water-rock system similar to the Rocknest basalt at Gale crater.
Basu U. A.* Schroedl P. Phillips M. S. Moersch J. E. Warren K. et al.
Correlating Aerial and Ground-Based Hyperspectral Data with Microbial Composition and Diversity in a Mars Analog Hydrothermal System in Iceland [#1840]
We correlate between spectral signatures in hyperspectral images and variations in the microbial community composition and diversity in a hydrothermal site.
Belleau-Magnat G.* Lemelin M. Cloutis E. A.
Investigation of Biosignatures in Canadian Arctic Gossans Using Portable Field Remote Sensing Instruments [#1633]
This project aims to study biosignatures in Canadian Arctic gossans, which are analogs to the martian surface, using rover-mountable spectroscopy instruments.
Willis M. C.* Krysiak N. Eshelman E. J. Smith H. J. Mueller K. et al.
Organic Matter Imaging in a Mars-analog Glacial Environment Using Solid-Phase Excitation Emission Matrix Spectroscopy [#2876]
Lab and field-based testing of an organic matter fluorescence imager developed based on excitation emission matrix spectroscopy.
Cheng R.-L.* Michalski J. R. Campbell K. A.
Finding Astrobiological Targets and Potential Biosignatures on Mars: Insights from Silica Sinters in Chile [#1407]
Compositional remote sensing and laboratory measurements of sinters in Chile to help to determine astrobiological targets and identify biosignatures on Mars.
Luna M. L.* Valadez D. D. Weber J. M. Vandervelde D. D. Barge L. M.
Investigating Abiotic Mineral-Organic Chemistry with Iron Oxyhydroxides [#1039]
Iron oxyhydroxides analogous to Gale Crater on Mars have been combined with pyruvate in aqueous solution to test possible reduction to the hydroxy-acid lactate.
García-Gómez L.* Cabalín L. M. Lucena P. Delgado T. Fortes F. J. et al.
First Detection of Organic Matter in Oil Shale by LIBS Under a Mars Simulated Atmosphere [#2401]
This work demonstrates for the first time the detection of natural organic matter in oil shale using LIBS under martian conditions.
Connor A.* Elsaid S. Easter P. Brisset J. Britt D.
Investigating Eisenia Fetida Survival in High Fidelity Lunar and Martian Regolith Vermiculture [#1158]
Vermiculture can be applied to a future lunar or martian base by breaking down food and human waste, and fertilizing regolith to promote sustainable plant growth.
Aponte J. C.* Kolibas S. McLain H. L. Dworkin J. P. Elsila J. E. et al.
Insoluble Cyanide in CI, CM, CR, CO, and CV Carbonaceous Chondrites [#1281]
Insoluble cyanide in carbonaceous chondrite residues previously subjected to organic solvent extraction.
Alexandre M. R.* Huang Y. Santos E. Heck P. P. Connolly H. C. et al.
Analyses of Molecular and Compound Specific C and H Isotopic Ratios of Volatile Aldehydes and Ketones in Murchison Using Headspace Solid Phase MicroExtraction (SPME) On-Fiber Derivatization [#2079]
In this study, we show the use of Solid Phase MicroExtraction (SPME) on fiber derivatization as a tool for aldehydes and ketones analysis in meteorites.
Cooper G.* Jackson W. Rios A. C. Yeung K. Dateo C.
Meteoritic Enantiomer Excesses: A Magnetic Bias in Reactant Activity During Irradiation of Sugar Precursors? [#3029]
We show that early solar system magnetic and radiation forces may have biased reactant selectivity during synthesis of sugar derivatives.
Koga T.* Takano Y. Ogawa N. O. Oba Y. Ohkouchi N. et al.
Method for Analyzing Compound-Specific Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopic Composition of Purine and Pyrimidine Nucleobases in Carbonaceous Meteorites: Perspectives for Bennu Samples [#2289]
We have developed a new method of analyzing carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios in underivatized pyrimidine and purine nucleobases in carbonaceous chondrites.
Fosseprez Ch.* Gucsik A.
Toward the Finding of Extraterrestrial Life Form in Human Time Scale Observations [#1903]
In searching for extraterrestrial life the relationship between life and information appears to be one of its key discernible characteristics.
Sapers H. M.* Mustard J. F. Plesa A-C. Spohn T. Knapmeyer-Endrun B. et al.
Scientific Rationale for Exploration of the Marian Subsurface [#2684]
Fundamental science questions for martian subsurface exploration: (1) crustal architecture; (2) subsurface volatiles; (3) habitability implications.
Mustard J. F.* Sapers H. Plesa A.-C. Spohn T. Hao J. et al.
Meeting the Challenges of Measurements in the Martian Subsurface [#2208]
Measurements and strategies are needed to expand knowledge of martian subsurface, an astrobiological frontier, in preparation for the Mars Life Explorer.
Clark B. C.* Kolb V. M.
Astrobiology: A Systems-Level Science [#1043]
A systems approach frames hypotheses for the earliest colonizer cells, which depart from “minimalist” cells, while consistent with prebiotic evolution.
