LPSC In the News
- Enséñame de Ciencia (Mexico), Hallan restos de uno de los primeros meteoritos que impactó a la Tierra hace más de 3000 millones de años (April 12)
- Ocean for Future (Italy), Gli oceani nascosti sulle lune di Urano (April 11)
- Aerospace Engineering Lectures News (UK), ISRO Chandrayaan 3 Lunar Mission Launch is Targeting July 2023 (April 8)
- Mashable India, Mars Scientists Spent 6 Years Making The Most Detailed Image Of The Planet (April 8)
- IT-Online (South Africa), Study reveals Moon’s water is near its South Pole (April 6)
- Space.com, Scientists hail scientific legacy of NASA's Mars InSight lander (April 5)
- Space.com, Scientists may have uncovered the oldest evidence of a meteoroid hitting Earth ever (April 5)
- Space Review, Robotic Mars exploration after sample return (April 3)
- Nature, Mars rocks await a ride to Earth — can NASA deliver? (April 3)
- Baruch College's The Ticker, Uranus’s moons may have active oceans (April 3)
- Planetary Science Institute News, Bea Baharier Receives Pierazzo International Student Travel Award (April 2)
- Scienze Notizie (Italy), Quando Giove inondò di radiazioni le sue lune (April 1)
- AstronautiNews (Italy), Aggiornamenti dal sistema solare: marzo 2023 (March 31)
- Frankfurter Rundschau (Germany), Aufprall, bei dem der Mond entstand, könnte Plattentektonik auf der Erde angestoßen haben (March 30)
- Zive (Slovakia), Pozostatok ľadovca v okolí marťanského rovníka môže byť cenným zdrojom vody pre budúcich astronautov (March 30)
- Maryland Today, Geology Ph.D. Student Helps Discover Remains of a Martian Glacier (March 30)
- Science Alert, A Newborn Jupiter Could Have Been Bright Enough to Bake Its Moons (March 30)
- Focus (Poland), Młody Jowisz świecił jak szalony. Jego księżyce ledwo to przetrwały (March 29)
- Scienze Notizie (Italy), Il suolo marziano ha i nutrienti necessari alla coltivazione del riso: La ricerca (March 28)
- University of Maryland College of Computer, Mathematical, & Natural Sciences News, UMD Geology Ph.D. Student Helps Discover Remains of a Recent Glacier Near Mars’ Equator (March 28)
- CNET (France), Colonisation de Mars : cultiver du riz OGM sur la planète rouge serait possible (March 28)
- Science News, Baby Jupiter glowed so brightly it might have desiccated its moon (March 28)
- ExtremeTech, Evidence of Oldest-Known Meteorite Impact Discovered in Australia (March 27)
- Gamachar Central (India), Study reveals map of moon’s water near its south pole (March 27)
- Polish News (UK), A strange signal from the Voyager 2 probe read after several decades. Two of Uranus’ moons may have oceans (March 27)
- Phys.org, Study reveals map of moon's water near its south pole (March 27)
- Payload Space, NASA Taps Top Scientist for Crewed Moon Return (March 27)
- Science Alert, Strange Signal From Decades Ago Hints at Hidden Oceans Orbiting Uranus (March 26)
- SciTechDaily, Moon’s Hidden Treasure: Lunar Water Map Unveiled by Pioneering Study (March 26)
- Scinexx: Das Wissenmagazin (Germany), Risiko großer Einschläge unterschätzt? (March 24)
- Science Times, Meteor Crash 3.48 Billion Years Ago: Scientists May Have Found the Earliest Evidence for a Meteorite Impact (March 24)
- The Weather Channel, Rice on Mars? Scientists Discover Mutant Rice Variety That Could Thrive on Harsh Martian Environment (March 24)
- Greek Reporter (Greece), NASA Warns of Asteroid Danger (March 24)
- The Space Show Radio Program (Australia), Trailblazer Awarded: Two Australian consortia to develop rovers for the nation’s first Moon mission (March 23)
- Science podcast, New worries about Earth’s asteroid risk, and harnessing plants’ chemical factories (March 23)
- Der Standard (Austria), Älteste Hinweise auf einen Meteoriteneinschlag entdeckt (March 23)
- La Gente Radio La Primerisima (Nicaragua), Cráter de Pantasma entre impactos meteóricos más importantes del mundo (March 23)
- Astronomy Magazine, A volcano may have erupted on Venus in 1991 (March 23)
- Frankfurter Rundschau (Germany), Umstrittene Studie: Große Asteroiden treffen Erde offenbar häufiger als erwartet (March 23)
- CNET (France), Des géologues ont peut-être découvert la plus ancienne preuve de l'impact d'une météorite sur la Terre (March 23)
- Salzburger Nachrichten (Austria), Spuren des ältesten Meteoriteneinschlags entdeckt (March 23)
- The Scottish Sun (Scotland), ‘Serious’ giant asteroid impact warning as NASA scientists admit ‘risk is greater than they realized’ (March 22)
- Live Science, Extinction-level asteroid impacts could be far more common than we thought, controversial study suggests (March 22)
- BGR, Large asteroid impacts to Earth more likely than previously thought, study suggests (March 22)
- Science Times, Earth Has Three Times Higher Risk of an Asteroid Impact Than Previously Thought, NASA Warns (March 22)
- ISAAA Biotech Updates, Growing Crops on Mars Possible With Gene Editing (March 22)
- Dawson College Newsroom, Four Dawson Students Presented Abstract at Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (March 22)
- The Marshall Star (Marshall Space Flight Center), Magellan Data Reveals Volcanic Activity on Venus (March 22)
- El Periódico de España (Spain), Aumenta el riesgo de impacto de un asteroide gigante contra la Tierra (March 22)
- Wired (Italy), La probabilità che un grande asteroide ci colpisca è più alta del previsto (March 22)
- Gizmodo (Australia), Remnants of a Glacier Found Near Martian Equator (March 22)
- Forschung und Wissen (Germany), Riesige Asteroiden treffen Erde öfter als angenommen (March 21)
- Terra (Brazil), Risco de asteroides atingirem a Terra pode ser maior do que se pensa (March 21)
- GZH (Brazil), Estudante da UFRGS vira embaixadora da NASA e representa o Brasil em evento (March 21)
- Global Science (Italy), Urano, nuovi dettagli sul suo sistema (March 21)
- New York Post, Devastating asteroid hitting the Earth more likely than previously thought: Scientist (March 21)
- RepublicWorld.com (India), How NASA's New Map Of Lunar Water Reserves Will Ease Life Of Astronauts On The Moon (March 21)
- Popular Science, We finally have a detailed map of water on the moon (March 21)
- Science Alert, Risk of Giant Asteroids Hitting Earth Could Be Worse Than We Realized (March 21)
- Space.com, Two moons of Uranus may have active subsurface oceans (March 20)
- Universe Today, Remnants of a Relict Glacier Found Near the Equator on Mars (March 20)
- Space.com, 1st map of moon water could help Artemis astronauts live at the lunar south pole (March 20)
- Science, Earth at higher risk of big asteroid strike, satellite data suggest (March 20)
- Science Post (France), Ils élaborent un riz OGM pour le cultiver sur la planète Mars (March 20)
- Mundurowe Wiadomości (Poland), Naukowcy mogli nie docenić złożoności wewnętrznego rdzenia Ziemi (March 20)
- Phys.org, Venus: Proof of active volcanoes—at last (March 19)
- Leonard David's Inside Outer Space, Old Data…New View: Moons of Uranus May Have Oceans (March 18)
- CBC Radio Canada, Volcanoes on Venus erupt every few months like Hawaii, study suggests (March 17)
- CBS News Sacramento, New discovery could impact the future of Mars exploration (March 17)
- Alive Universe (Italy), Una mappa dettagliata dell'acqua al polo sud della Luna (March 17)
- Coelum Astronomia (Italy), Nuove scoperte dalla New Horizons (March 17)
- Universitat Stuttgart (Germany), SOFIA kartiert Wasservorkommnisse auf dem Mond (March 17)
- Mars Daily, Remains of a modern glacier found near Martian equator (March 16)
- Astrobiology, Two Of Uranus’ Moons May Harbor Active Oceans, Radiation Data Suggests News Releases (March 16)
- Sky & Telescope, Scientists Finally Find Active Volcanism on Venus (March 16)
- Eos, Active Volcanoes on Venus? (March 16)
- Forbes, For The First Time, Scientists Spot Active Volcano On Venus (March 16)
- CNN, Remains of an ancient glacier spotted on Mars (March 16)
- Universe Today, Potentially Active Volcanoes Have Been Found on Venus (March 16)
- RepublicWorld.com (India), NASA's SOFIA Telescope Helps Scientists Create Map Of Water On Moon's South Pole (March 16)
- Astronomie.nl (The Netherlands), Restant van een gletsjer ontdekt nabij evenaar Mars (March 16)
- CNN, Magellan spacecraft images reveal volcanic activity on Venus (March 16)
- Social News XYZ, Scientists unearth remains of modern glacier near Mars’ equator (March 16)
- Interesting Engineering, Glacier relict on Mars indicates possibility of ice at low latitudes (March 16)
- Scinexx: Das Wissenmagazin (Germany), Neue Indizien für aktiven Vulkanismus auf der Venus (March 16)
- Eurasia Review, Remains Of Modern Glacier Found Near Mars’ Equator Implies Water Ice Possibly Present At Low Latitudes (March 15)
- Phys.org, Modern glacier remains found near Mars equator suggest water ice possibly present today at low latitudes (March 15)
- New Scientist, Earliest evidence of a meteorite hitting Earth found in Australia (March 15)
- La Parisien (France), Sur Vénus, des volcans toujours actifs ? (March 15)
- Correio Braziliense (Brazil), Cientistas da NASA detectam atividade vulcânica em Vênus; veja (March 15)
- Space.com, New Horizons Pluto probe notches 3 new discoveries in outer solar system (March 15)
- NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA’s Magellan Data Reveals Volcanic Activity on Venus (March 15)
- NASA Ames Research Center, Study Reveals Map of Moon’s Water Near Its South Pole (March 15)
- SpaceRef, Magellan Data Reveals Volcanic Activity on Venus (March 15)
- New Scientist, Vent on Venus is clearest sign yet the planet is volcanically active (March 15)
- Science, Active volcano on Venus shows it’s a living planet (March 15)
- NASA Solar System Exploration News, New Horizons Team Discusses Discoveries from the Kuiper Belt (March 15)
- Nature, Volcanoes on Venus? ‘Striking’ finding hints at modern-day activity (March 15)
- SETI Institute, Remains of a Modern Glacier Found Near Mars’ Equator Implies Water Ice Possibly Present at Low Latitudes on Mars Even Today (March 15)
- Science News, A moon-forming cataclysm could have also triggered Earth’s plate tectonics (March 15)
- Publimetro (Mexico), Ciencia: Explicación a los montículos del remoto Arrokoth (March 15)
- Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory News, NASA’s New Horizons Team Discusses Discoveries from the Kuiper Belt (March 14)
- Universe Today, Pluto Team Updates Science From the Solar System’s Edge (March 14)
- Space.com, Scientists hail DART success 6 months after historic asteroid crash (March 14)
- Nature World News, Ancient Meteor Crater, Microdiamonds Found Under French Winery House (March 10)
- Earth & Solar System, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2023 (March 10)
- Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil), Estudante da UFRGS representa o Brasil em congresso da NASA (March 8)
- University of Oxford Earth Sciences News, Student awarded LPI Career Development Award (March 6)
- MTV Uutiset (Finland), Suomen yli syksyllä lentänyt tulipallo tuli aurinkokunnan ulkopuolelta – "Sillä hetkellä kahvit menivät väärään torveen" (March 1)
- EarthSky, Newly confirmed meteor crater at site of French winery (February 28)
- Yahoo Live Science, 'Microdiamonds' discovered at French winery point to ancient meteor crater below the vines (February 26)
- National Geographic Indonesia, Tak Disadari, Kebun Anggur di Prancis Ini Adalah Kawah Meteorit (February 25)
- Scinexx: Das Wissenmagazin (Germany), Meteoritenkrater in französischem Weingut entdeckt (February 23)
- Long Island Media Group, West Islip Research Teacher ‘SPARKS’ Love Of Science (February 21)
- Science News, What has Perseverance found in two years on Mars? (February 17)
- Astrobiology at NASA, LPSC Ambassadors (February 16)
- California State University Fullerton News, Future Geologist Studies Rare Meteorite From Mars (February 14)
- SETI Institute, LPSC 2023 (February 8)
- Space TV, The 54th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (February 7)
- Arizona State University Buseck Center for Meteorite Studies News, 2023 Nininger Travel Award recipients announced! (February 6)
- NASA Science, NASA Opportunities: Upcoming Planetary Data Trainings - 2023 Training Workshops (January 27)
- Baylor University, Presidential Perspective - January 12, 2023 (January 12)
- Geological Society of America Planetary Geology Division, Dwornik Award (January 11)
- Baylor University, Baylor Planetary Research Group Earns NASA Grant to Study Density of the Moon's 'Weird' Volcanoes (January 9)
- Planetary Science Institute News, 2023 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award Winners Announced (December 14)
- Spacepolicyonline.com, 54th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2023 (LPSC 2023) (August 22)