49th LPSC STEAM Your Science Competition
Energize your science.
Show off your work to colleagues in and outside your field.
Tell the public why your work is important.
You’re already writing Haikus to share the bottom-line message of your science. We are now giving your natural communication talents greater visibility and encouraging ALL forms of expression about your science.
Create visual, literary, musical, or video art that captures the essence of your research. If your artwork is selected to be a finalist, it will be displayed at the 49th LPSC and in the LPSC STEAM Your Science virtual gallery. LPSC attendees and the public will have the opportunity to vote for the winners in each art category.
Submission Guidelines
Anyone who submits an abstract to the 49th LPSC can participate.
Artwork Category Guidelines
Visual Art – Any type of 2D or 3D art (electronic image, drawing, comic, sculpture, etc.) can be submitted as .jpg, .gif, .png, or .pdf files with a maximum file size of 15 Mb. You may need to scan or photograph your original art.
Literary Art – Any type of poetry or short story on one (8-1/2 x 11) page, double spaced, in a 12 point font. Haiku entries will be recognized as a special sub-category. If selected as a finalist, organizers will request an optional thumbnail image to represent the literature and/or a video of the literature reading.
Musical Art – Any style (classical, pop, folk, rock, rap, hip hop, etc.) that is 3 minutes or less. Prepare to submit sheet music and/or lyrics (.pdf) and audio file. If selected as an artwork finalist for the LPSC voting, organizers will request an optional thumbnail image to represent the music and/or a video of the music performance.
Video Art – Any style (animation, live action, dance, interview, etc.) that is 1 minute or less should be submitted initially as either a YouTube or Vimeo link. If selected as an artwork finalist for LPSC voting, organizers may request high-resolution files.
How to Enter
All entries must be submitted online by February 9, 2018 using the Online Entry Form. Artists must prepare and submit the following:- Contact information for each artist.
- If an artist is a minor, contact information for a parent or guardian also required.
- Artist's Statement of Originality: Describe the motivation or story behind your artwork and list your materials and any credits to borrowed work. 400 words maximum. Please include your abstract number if available.
- Title of artwork
- Artwork file
- An Agreement Form (preview version) with your signature to allow us to display the artwork. The Agreement Form can be signed at the end of the Online Entry Form.
Note: Multiple art entries (of the same or different media) can be submitted per abstract. If you would like to submit multiple entries, please complete an Online Entry Form for each.
Artwork can be disqualified for either:
1) Falsification of any information on the forms, plagiarism or use of copyrighted material without permission.
2) Use of profanity, nudity not representing the human body in a positive way, substance abuse, or violent images.
Artwork will be judged initially by members of the Lunar and Planetary Institute and SciArt Exchange. If selected as a finalist, LPSC attendees will choose the winners in each category. The judges will evaluate the artwork on the following:
- Aesthetics
- Mechanics or Skill
- Inherent Meaning/Message/Story
- Creativity
- Related to purpose of STEAM Your Science
Winning Artwork
Finalists will be notified in late February. Artwork will be displayed at the LPSC for an Attendees' Choice vote. Later, artwork will be displayed in a virtual gallery for a public People's Choice vote. Through the voting and social media, your science will engage and educate a broader audience. The top artwork will receive a prize (donated by USRA).
Questions? [email protected]