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Meeting Planning Services


Institutional Support

NASA Lunar Exploration Analysis Group (LEAG)
USRA/Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI)
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)


Clive Neal
University of Notre Dame
Samuel Lawrence
NASA Johnson Space Center

Organizing Committee

James Carpenter
European Space Agency-ESTEC
Jasper Halekas
University of Iowa
Ryan Clegg-Watkins
Washington University, St. Louis
Dana Hurley
Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory
Kurt Klaus
Lunar and Planetary Institute
Samuel Lawrence (Program Chair)
NASA Johnson Space Center
Stephen Mackwell
Universities Space Research Association
Clive Neal
University of Notre Dame
Noah Petro
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Jeffrey Plescia
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
Louise Prockter
Lunar and Planetary Institute
Jerry Sanders
NASA Johnson Space Center
Note: All electronic submission forms are part of the Meeting Portal, which requires users to set up a personal profile to access our electronic forms (setting up a profile is quick and easy, requiring only a few minutes of your time).