October 18, 2016
Meeting Registration Deadline

November 1–3, 2016
Annual Meeting of the Lunar Exploration Analysis Group

2016 Annual Meeting of the Lunar Exploration Analysis Group

Final Announcement

Meeting Location and Date

The 2016 Annual Meeting of the Lunar Exploration Analysis Group (LEAG 2016) will be held November 1–3, 2016 at the Universities Space Research Association Headquarters at 7178 Columbia Gateway Dr., Columbia, Maryland.

Purpose and Scope

The 2016 LEAG annual meeting will bring together scientists, engineers, industry/private sector, and government personnel to explore and develop lunar exploration strategies that benefit all constituencies that LEAG represents, and promote solar system exploration through the use of lunar resources.

The meeting goals are three-fold:

The meeting will result in a series of findings formulated through community consensus that will be published on the LEAG website and forwarded to NASA HQ (SMD and HEOMD). Time for discussion and community input will be made available during each session.

Note: All electronic submission forms are part of the USRA Meeting Portal, which requires users to set up a personal profile to access our electronic forms (setting up a profile is quick and easy, requiring only a few minutes of your time).