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Meeting Planning Services


Institutional Support

Lunar and Planetary Institute
Universities Space Research Association


Heliophysics Division
Science Mission Directorate
NASA Headquarters

Science Organizing Committee

Shasha Zou (co-chair)
University of Michigan
Sabrina Savage (co-chair)
NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
Amir Caspi
Southwest Research Institute
Li-jen Chen
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Ian Cohen
Applied Physics Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University
Mark Linton
Naval Research Laboratory
Noe Lugaz
University of New Hampshire
Merav Opher
Boston University
Larry Paxton
Applied Physics Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University
Jaye Verniero
University of California, Berkeley
Lawrence Kepko
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Heliophysics Division Organizers

Jared Leisner
NASA Headquarters
Patrick Koehn
NASA Headquarters
Galen Fowler
NASA Headquarters
Note: All electronic submission forms are part of the Meeting Portal, which requires users to set up a personal profile to access our electronic forms (setting up a profile is quick and easy, requiring only a few minutes of your time).