General Themes
The conference will consist of invited and contributed talks, discussion sessions, and poster sessions. The conference participants will nominate discussion topics, vote on the discussions to be had, and then lead/participate in the discussions. The goal of CCTP-3 is to foster multidisciplinary conversations among climate scientists to identify future directions of research and exploration. The participation of any interested scientist with relevant theoretical, experimental, and/or observational experience or interest in terrestrial climate science is encouraged.
Contingent upon review and acceptance by the program committee, abstracts will be scheduled for either oral or poster presentation. The abstracts and preliminary program will also be available in electronic format and accessible via this website by mid-July.
Themes for this conference include, but are not limited to:
- Cutting edge climate tools
- Climates over time
- Catastrophic events
- Diversity of climates
- Lessons from/to Earth
- Living with your star: The Sun climate connection
- (exo)Planetary system science
- Climates in the laboratory
- Space physics, heliophysics, and aeronomy
- Observations of climate across space and time
Preliminary Conference Format
Monday, August 27 | Welcome, Oral Sessions, and Poster Session |
Tuesday, August 28 | Oral Sessions and Discussion Sessions |
Wednesday, August 29 | Oral Sessions and Discussions Sessions |
Thursday, August 30 | Oral Sessions and Summary Discussion of Future Plans |