THANK YOU to the following organizations for their support of the Visions 2050 Workshop.





February 28-March 1, 2017
Planetary Science Vision 2050 Workshop

Planetary Science Vision 2050 Workshop


James Green, PSD Director
Doris Daou, SOC Executive Secretary

Science Organizing Committee

Stephen Mackwell
USRA - SOC Chair
Carrie Anderson
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
David W. Beaty
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
John (Jay) Falker
NASA Headquarters
Bill Farrell
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Anthony Freeman
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Shawn Domagal-Goldman
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Dana Hurley
Johns Hopkins University – Applied Physics Laboratory
Brook Lakew
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Kurt Lindstrom
Johns Hopkins University – Applied Physics Laboratory
Amy Mainzer
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Larry Nittler
Carnegie Institute for Science – Department of Terrestrial Magnetism
Gregory Schmidt
NASA Ames Research Center
Christophe Sotin
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Julie Stopar
Lunar and Planetary Institute
Note: All electronic submission forms are part of the USRA Meeting Portal, which requires users to set up a personal profile to access our electronic forms (setting up a profile is quick and easy, requiring only a few minutes of your time).